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  1. Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml

Chair for Psychology

Cognition and Development



Petra Witzmann
Office: PT, Room 4.1.34
Phone 0941 943-3813
Fax     0941 943-3872
Office hour: Mo, Tu, Th 9-11


Memory Lab

We have a strong focus on episodic memory, that is, remembering what occurred at a certain point in time and/or a certain location in the past. Answers on questions like what we had for dinner last night or how we spent the last Christmas evening are typical examples of what episodic memory is about.

Humans experience a huge number of events in the course of a day, but typically only some experiences are memorable at the end of the day, the other events having been forgotten. It is a high priority of our research to understand why and under what conditions we forget.

We are interested in the episodic memory of young adults, children, older adults, and a number of patient groups. We examine memory mostly by running behavioral experiments. Our recent experiments, however, also include electrophysiological measurements (EEG) and imaging methods (fMRI).

Recent and Current Projects

When Selective Retrieval Causes Forgetting

Key Publications:

When Selective Retrieval Enhances Memory

Key Publications:

Forgetting of Outdated Memories

Key Publications:

Memory Benefits from Testing Studied Material

Key Publications:

Neural Correlates of Encoding and Forgetting

Key Publications:

Memory in Children and Older Adults

Key Publications:


Review Papers

Key Publications:

  1. Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml

Chair for Psychology

Cognition and Development



Petra Witzmann
Office: PT, Room 4.1.34
Phone 0941 943-3813
Fax     0941 943-3872
Office hour: Mo, Tu, Th 9-11