You need to pay if you want to use the printers at the university. Your CC account includes an electronic account that you can charge online to pay for printing. Please charge your electronic account with coupons (Wertcoupons) before use. You can buy coupons (with a value of EUR 2, 5, 10 or 20) in all cafeterias and nearly all shops on campus (except Bücher Pustet) and at the university hospital kiosk.
Staff members can use our webshop to transfer money from the chair’s account to the CC account.
To install network printers, office printers and printers of the CC printing centre log in to the serviceportal.
Every computer room of the Universität Regensburg is equipped with laser printers for all users. The local printers are preset for black-and-white prints.
For more specific printing jobs like colour printing or jobs larger than 20 pages and bigger formats you can use the printers in our CC printing centre.
The printing centre (Druckzentrum) is located on the ground floor of the computer centre in the machine room. You can find the exact location here: