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  1. Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems
  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie

Chair of Economic Psychology and Ethics


Prof. Dr. Florian Engl

E-Mail: florian.engl@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943 3259

Office: RW(L) 4.11

Office hours: by arrangement


Postal Adress

Prof. Dr. Florian Engl
Chair of Economic Psychology and Ethics
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg

Contact Details

E-Mail: florian.engl@ur.de
Phone: +49 941 943 3259
Office: RWL 4.11
Office hours: by arrangement

Secretary's Office

Sandra Graß

E-Mail: sekretariat.engl@wiwi.uni-regensburg.de
Phone: +49 941 943 2712
Fax: +49 941 943 3176
Office: RW(L) 4.15
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am -11.30

  1. Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems
  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie

Chair of Economic Psychology and Ethics


Prof. Dr. Florian Engl

E-Mail: florian.engl@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943 3259

Office: RW(L) 4.11

Office hours: by arrangement