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  1. Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems
  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie

Chair of Economic Psychology and Ethics


Prof. Dr. Florian Engl

E-Mail: florian.engl@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943 3259

Office: RW(L) 4.11

Office hours: by arrangement


Welcome to the Website of the Chair of Prof. Dr. Florian Engl!

Here you will find information about the chair, the courses offered and the main research topics.

Für die deutsche Version bitte auf den Sprachenschalter oben in der grauen Leiste klicken.



The course "Wirtschaftsethik" will not be offered in WS 2023/24


Lecture Behavioral Economics in summer term 2022

The lecture Behavioral Economics is held by Prof. Dr. Engl this summer term.

You can find all relevant information here.  


Lecture Economic Ethics in the Winter Semester 2021/22

The lecture will take place form the 14th to the 18th of March 2022 as a block course.

Follow this link for more information


Publication in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

The paper "Spillover Effects of Institutions on Cooperative Behavior, Preferences, and Beliefs” was published in November 2021 in the American Economic Journal: Mircoeconomics. In this study Prof. Engl and his collegues Prof. Roberto Weber (University of Zurich) and Prof. Arno Riedl (University of Maastricht) study experimentally how enforcement institutions affect behavior, preferences, and beliefs beyond their direct influence over the behaviors they control. In addition, the paper provides evidence for several factors, including characteristics of institutions, that enhance or limit the effectiveness and scope of spillover effects.

  1. Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems
  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie

Chair of Economic Psychology and Ethics


Prof. Dr. Florian Engl

E-Mail: florian.engl@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943 3259

Office: RW(L) 4.11

Office hours: by arrangement