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  1. Faculty for Business Economics
  2. IRE|BS institute for real estate industry

Competence Center for Sustainable Real Estate


Contact Details

+49 941 943 - 6012


VG 3.08

Mo. - Wed. 9 - 12 a.m.

Dr. Jens Hirsch, Dipl.-Geogr. (Univ.)

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Research topics

Significance of natural hazards for the real estate industry

Energy efficiency

Intangible assets

GIS in the real estate industry

Personal data

Dr. Jens Hirsch studied geography with the emphasis of Geographical Information System, Commercial Real Estates and Statistics at the university of Regensburg. At the same time he acquired his first state examination for teaching at secondary schools (Physics / geography). During his studies, he worked as a student assistant and research assistant at the chairs for Economical Geography and Commercial Real Estates.

Since 2012, Dr. Jens Hirsch was a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the competence center for sustainability in real estate of the IRE|BS institute for real estate at the university of Regensburg. His research focused on the significance of natural hazards and the climate change as well as sustainability benchmarking. For developing the web tool ImmoRisk, which determines the location and property specific natural hazards, he was awarded with the "Immobilienforschungspreis" of the "gif Gesellschaft für immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e.V." in 2013. 

  1. Faculty for Business Economics
  2. IRE|BS institute for real estate industry

Competence Center for Sustainable Real Estate


Contact Details

+49 941 943 - 6012


VG 3.08

Mo. - Wed. 9 - 12 a.m.