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  1. Faculty for Business Economics
  2. IRE|BS institute for real estate industry

Competence Center for Sustainable Real Estate


Contact Details

+49 941 943 - 6012


VG 3.08

Mo. - Wed. 9 - 12 a.m.

Prof. Dr. Sven Bienert, MRICS REV

Phone +49 941 943-6011
Fax +49 941 943-816013
Mail sven.bienert@irebs.de
WWW http://www-wiwi.uni-r...
Room VG 3.09
Office hours

Mo. - Wed. 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

By appointment

After graduating as a qualified bank employee Prof. Dr. Sven Bienert MRICS REV studied real estate economics and business administration with the specialization in finance at the University Lueneburg. He wrote his PhD-thesis at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg about the “Impact of Basel II on real estate project financing”. The thesis was awarded with distinction, i.e. „summa cum laude“. Prof. Bienert worked for many years in top position for leading real estate companies and in the consulting business.

Since April 2010, Prof. Dr. Bienert is Head of the IRE|BS Competence Center of Sustainable Real Estate at the University of Regensburg and university chair holder. Parallel he was from 2011 on active as a Managing Director for Probus Real Estate GmbH headquartered in Vienna (ca. 2,1 bil. assets under management) until 2013. Prof. Bienert is editor and author of many real estate books and won numerous research awards. His academic work was especially honored with the Richard-Ratcliff Award at the ARES conference in 2022.

Furthermore, he works as an independent consultant and valuer. He is on the board of numerous real estate associations like DGNB („Immobilienbeirat“), ZIA („Nachhaltigkeitsbeirat“), Urban Land Institute (ULI Sustainability Fellow), Austrian Association of Real Estate Experts (ARE board member), „Verein zur Förderung der Qualität in der Immobilienwirtschaft“ (ImmQu board member), Corporate Governance Initiative of the German Real Estate Industry (ICG board member) and “Deutschen Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management e.V.” (DVFA heading the real estate commission). Since 2019, he has been leading subproject 5 of the DFG Research Group Sacred Space Transformation "TRANSARA". Since 2022, he has also been a member of the "European Valuation Standards Board" of the European Group of Valuers' Associations (TEGoVA) and part of the "Expert Advisory Group" of the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi).

Prof. Bienert was a member of the Supervisory Board of CA IMMOBILIEN ANLAGEN AG in the period from December 2016 to November 2018 and of Immofinanz AG from May 2019 to March 2022. He has also been part of the Supervisory Board of ZIMA Holding AG since June 2015 and a member of the Advisory Board of RATISBONA Holding GmbH & Co. KG. He has been part of the Sustainability Advisory Board of DAW SE since 2018.

  1. Faculty for Business Economics
  2. IRE|BS institute for real estate industry

Competence Center for Sustainable Real Estate


Contact Details

+49 941 943 - 6012


VG 3.08

Mo. - Wed. 9 - 12 a.m.