The course requirements comprise a written exam at the end of the course (50%) and several individual and group achievements to be done in the exercise during the semester (50%). A success pass in this course is worth 6 Credits.
Lecture contents
In this master level course, Human Resource Management (HRM) will be explored in-depth in a broader international and intercultural context. It starts with the analysis and discussion of the most relevant theories and concepts of both international business and intercultural management. Furthermore, the different functions of modern HRM will be examined with particular respect to their international and intercultural background. Finally, some selected problem issues of the international and intercultural HRM will be discussed.
Further information
Communication is channeled through G.R.I.P.S.
For further informations see SPUR.
Course contents
The IHRM tutorial applies the topics covered in the lecture. Students will work as teams on scientific texts and case studies. The objective is to illuminate various aspects of international human resource management.
Further information
For further information please enroll via SPUR and enter the GRIPS-classroom.