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Industry 4.0 Lab

The use of new technologies and the development of cyber-physical systems are core elements of Industry 4.0 and thus of modern production systems. In the Industry 4.0 Lab at the Chair of Production Management, students are trained in the use of these technologies and can experience the challenges of their application.

The lab is integrated into exercises, seminars, and theses at the Chair of Production Management. In case studies, students analyze issues related to both the control and design of production systems. For example, students investigate how additional sensors can help improve order dispatching decisions. Work in the Lab fosters the combination of problem-solving skills from the fields of production management, data science, artificial intelligence, and scientific programming. The implementation of own ideas and observable improvements in experiments in the lab create a motivating environment.

Chair of Production Management


Prof. Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz


Stefanie Heitzer

Building: RW(S) Room: 142
Tel.: +49 (0)941 943 - 2277
Fax: +49 (0)941 943 - 2828 ProductionManagement@ur.de