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Chair of Production Management


Prof. Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz


Stefanie Heitzer

Building: RW(S) Room: 142
Tel.: +49 (0)941 943 - 2277
Fax: +49 (0)941 943 - 2828 ProductionManagement@ur.de



  • Students are familiarized with the analysis and solution of trade-offs in production management in light of the challenges arising from digitalization and Industry 4.0. 
  • Students will learn to identify, apply, and develop suitable Business Analytics methods for solving practical problems.
  • In advanced courses, students are introduced to the current state of research.

Courses on bachelor level

Term Language CP
Production Management                                winter GER 6
Quantitative Methods for Digital Production Management summer            ENG 6
Business Analytics and Optimization with Python summer            ENG 3
Bachelor Thesis summer            GER/ENG 12

Courses on master level

Term Language CP
Predictive Analytics for Production Systems winter ENG 6
Prescriptive Analytics for Production Systems summer* ENG 6
Production Networks winter GER 6
Simulation of Production Systems summer* GER 6
Research Seminar - Production Management summer/winter GER/ENG 6
Master Thesis summer/winter GER/ENG 30

* Planned offering at least once every four semesters. Latest information can be found on the lecture-specific pages.

Courses in the Industry 4.0 Lab

The Industry 4.0 Lab accompanies courses on the master level and is used in seminar and bachelor and master theses. More information about the lab can be found here.

Chair of Production Management


Prof. Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz


Stefanie Heitzer

Building: RW(S) Room: 142
Tel.: +49 (0)941 943 - 2277
Fax: +49 (0)941 943 - 2828 ProductionManagement@ur.de