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UR-Alumni coordination


e-mail alumni@ur.de

Welcome to the Alumni Network of Universität Regensburg

Stay in touch and be informed!

In line with the motto “Stay in touch and be informed,” the Alumni-Network invites you to stay in touch with Universität Regensburg after graduation or your change of location – or even while currently a student or researcher!

An alumnus (masculine, plural alumni) or an alumna (feminine, plural alumnae) stems from the Latin alere: “to nourish.” It commonly refers to a former student or pupil of a school, college, or university.

All former and current students as well as all members of Universität Regensburg can become part of the network. If you would like to join one of our Alumni-Associations – of which we have eleven -, you will be put in touch with the respective alumni association of your faculty or discipline. The UR Alumni network and the individual alumni associations aim to connect graduates and former students of the UR with their university after they have graduated so that they can use the contact with their alma mater for their personal and professional career. By organizing various events, continuing education courses and annual meetings, the network would like to assist in creating connections between alumni, their university and the current students in order to promote mutual contact and exchange of experience. UR Alumni helps you to give back your professional experience and your knowledge to the UR community in a personal and active way and to support the development of your alma mater.

Welcome to UR Alumni!

  1. Homepage UR

UR-Alumni coordination


e-mail alumni@ur.de