Dr. Bryonn Bain, artist and activist, Founding Professor of the Prison Education Program at NYU, New York, New York, USA
Prof. Dr. Astrid Böger, American Studies, U Hamburg, Germany
Center for Comparative Native and Indigenous Studies; Prof. Dr. Mita Banerjee, American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz, Germany
Prof. Dr. Meiling Cheng, Associate Professor, Director of Critical Studies, U of Southern California
Prof. Dr. Birgit Däwes, Chair of American Studies / Director of the Center for Canadian Studies, University of Vienna
DFG Reinhart Koselleck Projekt: Global Theater Histories; Prof. Dr. Chris Balme and Dr. Nic Leonhardt, Theatre Studies, LMU Munich, Germany
Dr. Dorothea Gail, American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz [DFG Project "Between Authenticity and the Market: Music, Subculture, and Values in the United States since the 1970s"]
Dr. Benita Heiskanen, Director, John Morton Center for North American Studies, U of Turku, Finland
Prof. Dr. Hsinya Huang, Dean, College of Arts and Humanities, Professor of American and Comparative Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University,Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Sabrina Huettner, M.A. / PhD candidate, American Studies, U Würzburg, Germany
Institut für Theaterwissenschaft; Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder, Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz, Germany
Prof. Dr. Shannon Jackson, Theater, Dance & Performance Studies, U of California, Berkeley, California, USA
Prof. Dr. Peter Marx, Theatre Studies, U Köln, Germany
Stuart Noble, PhD candidate, Center for Transnational American Studies, U of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Heike Paul, American Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-U Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Pospíšil, Center for North American Studies, Masaryk U, Brno, Czech Republic
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Raussert, Center for InterAmerican Studies, U Bielefeld, Germany
Regensburg European American Forum REAF; Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel, Director REAF, U Regensburg
Prof. Dr. David Román, Professor of English, American Studies, and Ethnicity, U of Southern California, USA
Prof. Dr. John Carlos Rowe, Associates Chair in Humanities; Professor of English and American Studies and Ethnicity, U of Southern California
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schmidt, American Studies, U Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Barry Shank, Comparative Studies, Ohio State U, Germany
Prof. Dr. Werner Sollors, African and African American Studies, Harvard U, Cambridge, MA, USA
Dr. Gyorgy Toth, American Studies, U of Stirling, UK
Prof. Dr. Katharina Vester, Dir. of American Studies, Dpt. of History, American U, Washington DC. USA
Florian Weinzierl, American Studies, Vocal/Musical Director and Performer at UR Musical/UR Stage Club, Regensburg U, Germany