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Select Your Representatives at WIN!

Dear Early Career Researchers at UR,

All of you who are currently pursuing a doctorate or who are obtaining further academic qualifications after completing your doctorate are warmly invited to participate in the selection process of your representatives on the WIN boards.

The Advisory Board (Beirat) will have one person respectively as a representative from each of these three groups:

  • Doctoral researchers who are members of structured programs,
  • Doctoral researchers who are not members of structured programs, and
  • Researchers obtaining further qualifications after their doctorate like postdocs and candidates working on their habilitation.

All three positions need to be filled for the winter term 2024-25 and the summer term 2025. Additionally, two of these three will also represent the early career scientists and scholars in the Executive Board (Leitungsgremium) of WIN.  

The composition and the responsibilities of both of these boards are written in the statute of the WIN. The current representatives of the three groups are happy to provide information on their work. If you have any questions about WIN or the procedure please turn to Angela Weil-Jung the executive director of WIN.

Nominate your candidate - until Fri 21 June 2024

You belong to one of the three groups and want to stand as a candidate
or you want to nominate another person?
Please send us an E-mail with the person's name, faculty, and group.

We will collect written consent from all the nominees for their candidacy and ask them to introduce themselves on a Powerpoint-slide. This slide will be available for the respective group on GRIPS until the end of the voting period. The nominees will also receive suggestions for the design of their slide.

In addition, all nominees are invited - but not obliged - to introduce themselves in person at the online information meeting on Thu, 27.06.2024, 1-2 p.m.
All candidates will also receive an invitation to this in advance.

After the conclusion of the process, all your data will be deleted.

Join the information session - on Thu 27 June 2024, 1-2 p.m., online

Learn more about WIN and its boards, meet the nominees in person, and share your requests and concerns - by attending the Info-Session:

on Thu 27 June 2024, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Meeting-ID: 672 8522 0387


  1. Opening remarks by Prof Dr Angelika Lingnau, chair of the advisory board
  2. Short introduction of WIN
    Dr Angela Weil-Jung, executive director of WIN
  3. Introduction of the WIN boards and opportunities for active contribution
    Ricarda Jacob, Dr Julian Konzok, Florian Meurer
    current representatives of the early career researchers
  4. Introduction round of all nominees
  5. Opportunity for exchange

Register to vote – until Tue 16 July 2024

In order to participate in the selection, you need to register on GRIPS:
Choose which group you belong to and
register for the corresponding GRIPS course by 16.07.2024 at the latest.

  • Doctoral candidates who are members of structured programs - GRIPS
  • Doctoral candidates who are not members of structured programs - GRIPS
  • Postdocs, candidates working on their habilitation, group managers, or similar - GRIPS

Based on your registration, we will prepare an individual code for the vote for you. The voting runs anonymously via EvaSys.

You will find the slides of the candidates on which they introduce themselves in your GRIPS course after the info meeting.

If you want to de-register, you can also do this via GRIPS.
After the conclusion of the process, all your data will be deleted.

Support your candidate – 27 June until Fri 19 July 2024

All registered persons will receive an individual code for voting, at the earliest after the information event on June 27, otherwise a few days after your registration.

Please vote by Fri 19.7.2024.

For information about the nominees of your group visit the information meeting or afterwards your GRIPS course.

Please understand that only registered participants receive a personal code. Therefore, it is essential that you register on GRIPS as described above until 18 July 2023 at the latest.

We look forward to your candidacy and/or your participation in the selection process!

For any information, please contact us at WIN.

Center for Graduate & Postgraduate Researchers

Zentrum zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses