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Dr. Felix Götz


Raum: PT 4.1.22

Telefon: 0941 943-2233

Telefax: 0941 943-1995

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


Research interests

Cognitive Control, Social Cognition, Joint Action, Numerical Cognition, Obedience

Curriculum Vitae

Academic education

  • 2019, Doctoral degree in Psychology, University of Würzburg

  • 2013, Diploma in Psychology, University of Würzburg

  • 2010/2011, Exchange Student, University of Salamanca

Professional employment history

  • 08/2022-09/2022, Research stay at the Interacting Minds Centre (Prof. Cordula Vesper), Aarhus University (DK)

  • 2019-present, PostDoc Researcher, Department of Experimental Psychology (Cognitive Control Lab, Prof. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg (DE)

  • 2015-2019, Research Associate, Department of General Psychology II (Motivation and Emotion in Action Lab, Prof. Andreas Eder), University of Würzburg (DE)

  • 10/2016-12/2016, Research stay at the Department of Cognitive Science (Social Mind and Body Group, Prof. Natalie Sebanz & Prof. Günther Knoblich), Central European University (CEU), Budapest (HU)

  • 2013-2015, Research Associate, Department of Social Psychology (Social Cognition Lab, Prof. Fritz Strack), University of Würzburg (DE)

Ad hoc peer-review activities


  • Cognitive Processing

  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Professional memberships

  • European Association of Social Psychology (EASP)

  • German Psychological Society (DGPs)


Courses BSc Psychology (German language only)

  • WiSe: Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion I: Stimulus-Response-Kompatibilität

  • WiSe: Experimentalpsychologisches Projektseminar (Expra) I

  • SoSe: Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion II: Human Factors

  • SoSe: Experimentalpsychologisches Projektseminar (Expra) II

Courses MSc Psychology / Psychological Science (German language only)

  • Bei Bedarf/unterstützend: Forschungspraktikum (Fopra)

Supervision of theses (German & English language)

  • Bachelorarbeiten / Bachelor thesis

  • Masterarbeiten / Master thesis

  • Praktika (im Rahmen des BSc- wie MSc-Studiums der Psychologie) / internship


  • Study of Cognitive Control in the Context of Socially Triggered Response Conflicts, i.e. Conflicts between Co-Actors in the "Relay-race"/"Card-flipping" Joint Action Paradigm  (e.g., Congruency Sequence Effect, Proportion Congruency Effect, Reward Modulations) [majority of BSc/MSc theses and Expra/Fopra projects]

  • Study of Links between Self-Prioritization and Conflict Management in Perceptual Matching Judgments  [BSc theses]

  • Study of Sociomotor Action Control in the Joint Goal-Setting Paradigm [BSc/MSc theses]

  • Study of Automaticity of Number Processing in the Gestalt-SNARC paradigm [BSc theses]


  • Fröber, K., Abel, M., Bäuml, K.-H., Dreisbach, G., Kliegl, O., Köster, M., Lingnau, A., Volberg, G., & Götz, F. J. (eds.). (2024). Abstracts of the 66th TeaP. [Conference object] TeaP Conference 2024, Regensburg, Germany.

  • Fröber, K., Abel, M., Bäuml, K.-H., Dreisbach, G., Kliegl, O., Köster, M., Lingnau, A., Volberg, G., & Götz, F. J. (2024). Program of the 66th TeaP. [Conference object] TeaP Conference 2024, Regensburg, Germany. https://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.15180

  • Götz, F. J. (2019). Social Cueing of Numerical Magnitude (Doctoral dissertation). OPUS Würzburg. https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-18716

Articles (peer-reviewed)

  • Götz, F. J., Dreisbach, G. (accepted). How a Co-Actor’s (Un-)Reliability Modulates Goal Selection in a Novel Joint Goal-Setting Paradigm. Psychological Research.

  • Becker, D., Bijleveld, E., Braem, S. , Fröber, K., Götz, F. J., Kleiman, T., Körner, A., Pfister, R., Reiter, A. M. F., Saunders, B., Schneider, I. K. Soutschek, A., van Steenbergen, H., & Dignath, D. (2024). An integrative framework of conflict and control. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 28(8), 757–768. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2024.07.002  

  • Krishna, A.* & Götz, F. J.* (2024). Motor Coordination Induces Social Identity – A Novel Paradigm for the Investigation of the Group Performance-Identity Link. British Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12757

*shared first authors.

  • Körner, A., Götz, F. J., & Krishna, A. (2023). Free to see the Big Picture: Autonomy Increases Abstractness of Action Identification. Collabra: Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1525/collabra.88165

  • Götz, F. J., Mitschke, V., & Eder, A. B. (2023). Conflict experience and resolution underlying obedience to authority. Scientific Reports13(1), 11161. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-38067-z

  • Götz, F. J., Böckler, A., Eder, A. B. (2020). Low numbers from a low head? Effects of observed head orientation on numerical cognition. Psychological Research, 84, 2361-2374. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-019-01221-2

Invited talks

  • Götz, F. J. (2024). No Evidence for a Link Between Self-Prioritization and Cognitive Control in Perceptual Matching Judgments. Talk given at the Joint Cognitive Control Colloquium of the Universities of Greifswald and Regensburg, Greifswald/Regensburg (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2024). How a Co-Actor's (Un)Reliability Modulates Goal Selection in a Novel Joint Goal-Setting Paradigm. Talk given at the Joint Cognitive Control Colloquium of the Universities of Greifswald and Regensburg, Greifswald/Regensburg (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2023). Modulating Effects of Reward and Punishment on Conflict Management in interindiviudal Response Conflicts. Talk given at the Joint Cognitive Control Colloquium of the Universities of Greifswald and Regensburg, Greifswald/Regensburg (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2023). Action Control Implications of Asymmetries in Joint ActionTalk given at the Social Cognition Colloquium of the University of Würzburg, Würzburg (DE).

  • Fröber, K.* & Götz, F. J.* (2022). The Regensburg Solution. Talk given at the 2nd Joint Conflict Network Meeting at the University of Tübingen, Tübingen (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2022). Driven by intention or stimulus? The forces that drive leaders vs. followers in cooperative actions. Talk given at the Interacting Minds Centre (IMC) Tuesday Seminar at Aarhus University, Aarhus (DK).

  • Götz, F. J. (2022). The List-Wide Proportion Congruency Effect (LWPCE) in Interindividual Response Conflicts. Talk given at the Joint Cognitive Control Colloquium of the Universities of Greifswald and Regensburg, Greifswald/Regensburg (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2021). Two Projects on Interindividual Conflicts and their Modification in the Context of Asymmetrical Joint Actions. Talk given at the Joint Conflict Network Kickoff Meeting at the University of Tübingen, Tübingen (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2021). Follow You, Follow Me? A Novel Paradigm to Study Interindividual Response Conflicts. Talk given at the Joint Cognitive Control Colloquium of the Universities of Greifswald and Regensburg, Greifswald/Regensburg (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2021). Follow You, Follow Me? A Novel Paradigm to Study Interindividual Response Conflicts in the Lab and Online. Talk given at the Action Control Colloquium at Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2019). Measuring Social Interaction in the Context of Charismatic Authority. Talk given at Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2019). Social Cueing of Numerical Magnitude. Talk given at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2018). Under the Spell of Authority: Adaption of a Bug-Killing Paradigm for the Study of Obedience to Authority. Talk given at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2017). Effects of Social Cueing on Number Processing. Talk given at University of Potsdam, Potsdam (DE).

  • Götz, F. J. (2016). Autonomy, level of action identification and asymmetric joint action. Talk given at Central European University (CEU), Budapest (HU).

Conference presentations (first autorship only)

  • Götz, F. J. & Dreisbach, G. (2024). Interacting with a Human But Not the Computer Motivates Conflict Adaptation in Interindividual Response Conflicts. Poster presented at “66th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Regensburg (DE). [poster]

  • Götz, F. J. & Dreisbach, G. (2023). Interacting with a Human But Not the Computer Motivates Conflict Adaptation in Interindividual Response Conflicts. Poster presented at “9th Joint Action Meeting (JAM)", Budapest (HU). [poster]

  • Götz, F. J. & Dreisbach, G. (2023). Follower's Reliability Modulates Leader's Goal Persistence in a Novel Joint Goal-Setting Paradigm. Poster presented at “9th Joint Action Meeting (JAM)", Budapest (HU). [poster]

  • Götz, F. J. & Dreisbach, G. (2023). Follow My Lead! Modulation of Goal Persistence by a Co-Actor's Reliability in a Joint Goal-Setting Paradigm. Talk given at “65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Trier (DE). [talk]

  • Götz, F. J., Fröber, K., & Dreisbach, G. (2022). Follow My Lead! Influence of Follower's Reliability on Leader's Goal Persistence in a Joint Goal-Setting Paradigm. Poster presented at “64th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Cologne (DE). [poster]

  • Götz, F. J., & Dreisbach, G. (2021). Follow you or follow me? A novel paradigm to study interindividual response conflicts. Talk given at “63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Ulm (DE). [talk]

  • Götz, F. J., & Krishna, A. (2020). Motor Coordination Induces Social Identification: An Exploration into the link between Joint Action and Group Perception. Talk given at “62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Jena (DE). [talk]

  • Götz, F. J., & Eder, A. B. (2019). Free will vs. obedience: Establishing a new experimental paradigm for the study of Milgram-style Effects. Talk given at “17th Conference of the Social Psychology Section (FGSP), Cologne (DE). [talk]

  • Götz, F. J., & Eder, A. B. (2019). Adaption of a bug-killing paradigm for the study of obedience to authority. Poster presented at “8th Joint Action Meeting (JAM), Genova (IT). [poster]

  • Götz, F. J., & Eder, A. B. (2019). Obedience vs. free will: Adaption of a bug-killing paradigm for the study of obedience to authority. Talk given at “61st Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), London (GB). [talk]

  • Götz, F. J., Böckler, A& Eder, A. B. (2018). Head Cueing of Numerical Cognition. Talk given at “20th ESCON Conference”, Cologne (DE). [talk]

  • Götz, F. J., Böckler, A., Heineck, P. M., & Eder, A. B. (2018). Effects of vertical head orientation on spatial attention. Talk given at “60th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Marburg (DE). [talk]

  • Goetz, F. J., Körner, A., & Vesper, C. (2017). Producing music vs. pressing keys together - representing joint action goals. Poster presented at “7th Joint Action Meeting (JAM), London (GB). [poster]

  • Goetz, F. J., Körner, A., Förster, G., & Strack, S. (2017). Autonomy and Level of Action Identification. Talk given at “59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP)”, Dresden (DE). [talk]

  • Goetz, F. J., Eder, A. B., Böckler, A., & Strack, F. (2016). Face cueing effects in a personalized anchoring paradigm. Talk given at “50th Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)”, Leipzig (DE). [talk]

  • Goetz, F. J., Eder, A. B., Strack, F., Böckler, A., & Heineck, P. M. (2016). Face cueing effects in a personalized anchoring paradigm?. Talk given at “58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Heidelberg (DE). [talk]

  • Goetz, F. J. (2015). Big Brother is Watching Me – Mechanisms and Functions of Intimidation. Talk given at “12th PhD Workshop of the German Psychological Society’s (DGps) Social Psychology Section”, Münster (DE).

  • Goetz, F. J., & Markel, P. (2014). Hide or Seek! A regulatory focus approach to the behavioral consequences of institutional intimidation. Poster presented at “17th EASP General Meeting, Amsterdam (NL). [poster]

    Goetz, F. J., & Markel, P. (2014). Hide or Seek! A regulatory focus approach to the behavioral consequences of institutional intimidation. Poster presented at “56th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Gießen (DE). [poster]

Media Coverage and Outreach

I am active on X (@FelixJGoetz) and researchgate (Felix J. Götz).

Some of my work has been featured in the media and on podcasts (mostly in German). Here are a few examples.

Radio and TV Interviews

Podcast Coverage

Media Coverage

  1. Fakultät für Hunanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie

Chair for General and Applied Psychology

Prof. dr. gesine dreisbach

Claudia Lehnes

Raum: PT 4.1.31

Telefon 0941 943-3816

Fax 0941 943-1995