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  1. Universität

Physics Faculty


Enno E. Scholz

(Akad. Rat)



PHY 4.1.09

fon: +49-941-943-2526

Office hours: during lecture period: Thu 9:00am otherwise by appointment

Research Interests

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interactions within the Standard Model of Particle Physics. It describes how quarks interact via gluons. The quarks are the elementary building blocks of matter in the universe since hadrons like the neutron and the proton are bound states of QCD. Lattice field theories and especially lattice gauge theories are a way to regularize quantum field theories on a 4-dimensional space-time lattice. This discretization also allows for a numerical simulation of those field theories, which became feasible in the last decade with the availability of large scale high-performance computing. By simulating, e.g., QCD numerically on a lattice it is possible to obtain results without the need of perturbative methods, which cannot be applied to the low-energy regime of QCD due to the nature of the strong coupling in QCD.

Fields of interests:

  • algorithms for QCD-simulations on the lattice
  • hadronic matrix elements for electroweak processes (kaon physics etc.)
  • QCD and chiral perturbation theory
  • SUSY and other non-QCD theories on the lattice (BSM)
  • High-performance computing

selected publications/talks

  1. Universität

Physics Faculty


Enno E. Scholz

(Akad. Rat)



PHY 4.1.09

fon: +49-941-943-2526

Office hours: during lecture period: Thu 9:00am otherwise by appointment