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Together with Leo Gross (IBM Zurich) and Diego Peña (University Santiago de Compostela) we receive an ERC Synergy Grant for our project “Molecular Devices by Atom Manipulation” (MolDAM).

More information on ERC Synergy Grants.

We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

through SFB 1277

Emergent Relativistic Effects in Condensed Matter

and the research projects

RE 2669/6

Single-Electron Alternate-Charging Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Insulating Surfaces

RE 2669/8

Ultrafast single molecule videography with sub-Ångström resolution

  1. University
  2. https://www.uni-regensburg.de/rechenzentrum

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In a recent publication in Nature Photonics, we report on the development of ultrafast scanning tunnling spectroscopy.