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Giessibl Franz

Heinrich Rohrer Grand Medal for Franz J. Gießibl

Professor Dr. Franz J. Gießibl, Chair of Experimental and Applied Physics at the University of Regensburg, has been awarded the Heinrich Rohrer Grand Medal.


Atomic force microscopy with qPlus sensors

Franz J. Giessibl

MRS Bulletin 49 (2024)


Exploring in-plane interactions beside an adsorbed molecule with lateral force microscopy

Shinjae Nam, Elisabeth Riegel, Lukas Hörmann, Oliver T. Hofmann, Oliver Gretz, Alfred J. Weymouth and Franz J. Giessibl

PNAS, 2, 121 (2024)


Electrochemical AFM/STM with a qPlus sensor: A versatile tool to study solid-liquid interfaces

Andrea Auer, Bernhard Eder, Franz J. Giessibl

J. Chem. Phys. 159, 174201 (2023)


Energy dissipation of a carbon monoxide molecule manipulated using a metallic tip on copper surfaces

Norio Okabayashi, Thomas Frederiksen, Alexander Liebig, and Franz J. Giessibl

Phys. Rev. B 108, 165401 (2023)


Dynamic Friction Unraveled by Observing an Unexpected Intermediate State in Controlled Molecular Manipulation

Norio Okabayashi, Thomas Frederiksen, Alexander Liebig, and Franz J. Giessibl

Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 148001 (2023)


Prof. Dr. Franz J. Gießibl erhält MRS "Innovation in Materials Characterization Award“ 2023

Der Physiker Prof. Dr. Franz J. Gießibl, der an der UR am Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik eine Professur für Rasterkraftmikroskopie innehat, wurde von der Materials Research Society (MRS) mit dem "Innovation in Materials Characterization Award“ ausgezeichnet.

Die MRS ist eine internationale, gemeinnützige Gesellschaft auf dem Gebiet der Materialforschung. Sie wurde im Jahr 1973 gegründet, hat ihren Sitz in Pennsylvania, USA, und hat Mitglieder in über 90 Ländern.



Structural Characterization of Defects in the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 at the Picometer Scale

Alexander Liebig, Christoph Setescak, Adrian Weindl and Franz J. Giessibl

J. Phys. Chem. C, 126, 21716-21722 (2022)


From a free electron gas to confined states: A mixed island of PTCDA and copper phthalocyanine on Ag(111)

Alfred J. Weymouth, Emily Roche and Franz J. Giessibl

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 13,1572-1577 (2022)

Andrea Auer
Elektrochemische Grenzflächen visualisieren

Humboldt-Stipendiatin Dr. Andrea Auer forscht mittels Rastersondenmikroskopie

UR Artikel

Sosnovsky-Preis 2022


Evidence for temporary and local transition of sp² graphite-type to sp³ diamond-type bonding induced by the tip of an atomic force microscope

, , , and

New Journal of Physics, 24, 083018 (2022)

Mittelbayerische Zeitung

Gerhard Richters Band zu Regensburg

Der berühmte Künstler wird 90. Ein außergewöhnliches Geschenk kommt aus Regensburg: vom Nanowissenschaftler Franz Gießibl.

Ein Artikel von Marianne Sperb


"First View inside an Atom"

Join us for a conversation with physicist

Franz J. Gießibl about his upcoming book on Art/Science collaboration with Gerhard Richter

moderated by James K. Gimzewski, FRS,

UCLA Art Science center scientific director

Wednesday, Feb 09, 2022, 10am PST, 1pm EST, 7pm CET

Two researchers in different fields

New book: UR professor reports on his time with Gerhard Richter

UR newspaper


Revealing buckling of an apparently flat monolayer of NaCl on Pt(111)

Alfred J. Weymouth, Mats Persson and Franz J. Giessibl

Phys. Rev. B 105,035412 (2022)


Probing the Nature of Chemical Bonds by Atomic Force Microscopy

Franz J. Giessibl

Molecules 26, 4068 (2021)


Determining amplitude and tilt of a lateral force microscopy sensor

Oliver Gretz, Alfred J. Weymouth, Thomas Holzmann, Korbinian Pürckhauer and Franz J. Giessibl

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 12, 517 (2021)


Very weak bonds to artificial atoms formed by quantum corrals

Fabian Stilp, Andreas Bereczuk, Julian Berwanger, Nadine Mundigl, Klaus Richter, Franz J. Giessibl

Science 372, 1196 (2021)

Bild Paper Edge Nist


Edge channels of broken-symmetry quantum Hall states in graphene visualized by atomic force microscopy

Sungmin Kim, Johannes Schwenk, Daniel Walkup, Yihang Zeng, Fereshte Ghahari, Son T. Le, Marlou R. Slot, Julian Berwanger, Steven R. Blankenship, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Franz J. Giessibl, Nikolai B. Zhitenev, Cory R. Dean & Joseph A. Stroscio

Nature Communications 12, 2852 (2021)


Biaxial atomically resolved force microscopy based on a qPlus sensor operated simultaneously in the first flexural and length extensional modes

Dominik Kirpal, Jinglan Qiu, Korbinian Pürckhauer, Alfred J. Weymouth, Michael Metz, and Franz J. Giessibl

Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 043703 (2021)



Lateral Force Microscopy Reveals the Energy Barrier of a Molecular Switch

Alfred John Weymouth, Elisabeth Riegel, Bianca Simmet, Oliver Gretz, and Franz J. Giessibl

ACS Nano 15,2, 3264 (2021)

Uni-Regensburg News



Quantifying the evolution of atomic interaction of a complex surface with a functionalized atomic force microscopy tip

Alexander Liebig, Prokop Hapala, Alfred J. Weymouth, and Franz J. Giessibl

Scientific Reports 10, 14104 (2020)


Combined atomic force microscope and scanning tunneling microscope with high optical access achieving atomic resolution in ambient conditions

Korbinian Pürckhauer, Simon Maier, Anja Merkel, Dominik Kirpal, and Franz J. Giessibl

Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 083701 (2020)

Alexander Liebig gewinnt Preis für gute Lehre im Sommersemester 2020


Identifying the atomic configuration of the tip apex using STM and frequency-modulation AFM with CO on Pt(111)

O. Gretz, A. J. Weymouth, and F. J. Giessibl

Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033094 (2020)


Achieving μeV tunneling resolution in an in-operando scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and magnetotransport system for quantum materials research

Johannes Schwenk, Sungmin Kim, Julian Berwanger, Fereshte Ghahari, Daniel Walkup, Marlou R. Slot, Son T. Le, William G. Cullen, Steven R. Blankenship, Sasa Vranjkovic, Hans J. Hug, Young Kuk, Franz J. Giessibl, and Joseph A. Stroscio

Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 071101 (2020)

Nist - Atomic ‘Swiss Army Knife’ Precisely Measures Materials for Quantum Computers


High-precision atomic force microscopy with atomically-characterized tips

Alexander Liebig, Angelo Peronio, Daniel Meuer, Alfred J. Weymouth, Franz J. Giessibl

New J. Phys. 22, 063040 (2020)

Physik für alle (2020)


Experimental use of the inflection point test for force deconvolution in frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy to turn an ill-posed situation into a well-posed one by proper choice of amplitude

Ferdinand Huber and Franz J. Giessibl

J. Appl. Phys. 127, 184301 (2020)


Strumming a Single Chemical Bond

Alfred J. Weymouth, Elisabeth Riegel, Oliver Gretz, and Franz J. Giessibl

Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 196101 (2020)


Atomically Resolved Chemical Reactivity of Small Fe Clusters

Julian Berwanger, Svitlana Polesya, Sergiy Mankovsky, Hubert Ebert and Franz J. Giessibl

PhysRevLett. 124, 096001 (2020)

Alexander Liebig wins best teacher's award of the Physics Faculty

Liebig Gute Lehre Klein


Radio frequency filter for an enhanced resolution of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy in a combined scanning tunneling- and atomic force microscope

Angelo Peronio, Norio Okabayashi, Florian Griesbeck, and Franz Giessibl

Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 123104 (2019)


A Fourier method for estimating potential energy and lateral forces from frequency-modulation lateral force microscopy data

T. Seeholzer, O. Gretz, F. J. Giessibl and A. J. Weymouth

New J.Phys. 21, 083007 (2019) 


Ion mobility and material transport on KBr in air as a function of the relative humidity

Dominik J. Kirpal, Korbinian Pürckhauer, Alfred J. Weymouth and Franz J. Giessibl

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 10, 2084–2093 (2019)


Chemical bond formation showing a transition from physisorption to chemisorption

F. Huber, J. Berwanger, S. Polesya, S. Mankovsky, H. Ebert and F.
J. Giessibl

Science 366, 235 (2019)
free access via epub


Characterization of hydrogen plasma defined graphene edges

Mirko K.Rehmann, Yemliha B.Kalyoncu, Marcin Kisiel, Nikola Pascher, Franz J.Giessibl, Fabian Müller, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Ernst Meyer, Ming-Hao Liu, Dominik M.Zumbühl

Carbon, 150, 417-424 (2019)


Calvin F. Quate (1923–2019)

Daniel Rugar, Franz Giessibl

Science, 365, 6455 (2019)

22. NC-AFM in Regensburg

Preis Uebergabe Klein

Preisträger Professor Baratoff (2. von links) mit einem aus Aluminium gefertigten Modell einer Siliziumoberfläche, welches auf vierzigmillionenfach vergrößerten experimentellen Kraftmikroskopiedaten beruht. Lokale Organisatoren Prof. Dr. F.J. Gießibl (links), Prof. Dr. J. Repp (2. von rechts), PD Dr. J. Weymouth (rechts)

140 Physiker aus der ganzen Welt treffen sich in Regensburg

Two open Ph. D. Position

Ag Giessibl1 Phd Position Lt1

Ag Giessibl2 Phd Position Lt2


Analysis of Airborne Contamination on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with Atomic Force Microscopy Revealing That Sulfur Is the Preferred Chalcogen Atom for Devices Made in Ambient Conditions

K. Pürckhauer, D. Kirpal, A. J. Weymouth and Franz J. Giessibl

ACS Appl. Nano Mater, 5(2), 2593 (2019)


In-situ characterization of O-terminated Cu tips for high-resolution atomic force microscopy

A. Liebig, Franz J. Giessibl

Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 143103 (2019)


The qPlus sensor, a powerful core for the atomic force microscope

Franz J. Giessibl

Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 011101 (2019)


Interatomic force laws that evade dynamic measurement

John E. Sader, Barry D. Hughes, Ferdinand Huber, Franz J. Giessibl

Nat. Nanotech. 13, 1088 (2018)


Lateral manipulation of single iron adatoms by means of combined atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopy using CO-terminated tips

Julian Berwanger, Ferdinand Huber, Fabian Stilp, and Franz J. Giessibl

Phys. Rev. B 98, 195409 (2018)

Julian Berwanger won the poster-prize on the NC-AFM 2018 in Porvoo

2018 Nc-afm Posteraward Klein


Advances in AFM: Seeing Atoms in Ambient Conditions

Alfred J. Weymouth, Daniel Wastl, Franz J. Giessibl

e-JSSNT, 16, 351 (2018)

Heinrich Rohrer Medal for Dr. Jay Weymouth

Medal Jay Gross

Heinrich Rohrer Medal


Hanauerhuette Vor Huette Gro _


Low noise current preamplifier for qPlus sensor deflection signal detection in atomic force microscopy at room and low temperatures

Ferdinand Huber and Franz J. Giessibl

Rev. Sci. Instrum., 88, 073702 (2017)


Non-contact lateral force microscopy

Alfred J. Weymouth

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 29, 323001 (2017)

Giessibl group alumni dinner

Jay Weymouth's Habilitation talk

Investigating electrostatics and short-range interactions with atomic force microscopy

Feynman-Prize for Prof. Dr. Franz J. Gießibl

Press release UR


Korbinian Pürckhauer receives 2. poster-prize on the 2. German-French Summer School on NC-AFM in Osnabrück

Daniel Meuer won the 3. poster-prize on the NC-AFM 2016 in Nottingham

30 years of Nobel Prize for Binnig & Rohrer, Focus Collection


Interview with IOP about 30 years of AFM


We congratulate Gerd Binnig, Christoph Gerber and Calvin Quate on winning the 2016 Kavli Prize for Nanoscience



Influence of atomic tip structure on the intensity of inelastic tunneling spectroscopy data analyzed by combined scanning tunneling spectroscopy, force microscopy, and density functional theory

Norio Okabayashi, Alexander Gustafsson, Angelo Peronio, Magnus Paulsson, Toyoko Arai, and Franz J. Giessibl

Fig01 151106 Klein

Phys. Rev. B, 93, 165415 (2016)

Prof. Dr. Franz J. Gießibl receives Rudolf-Jaeckel-award from the Deutschen Vakuumgesellschaft

Preisverleihung 17.jpeg


Intramolecular Force Contrast and Dynamic Current-Distance Measurements at Room Temperature

F. Huber, S. Matencio, A. J. Weymouth, C. Ocal, E. Barrena, and F. J. Giessibl


Phys. Rev. Lett, 115, 066101 (2015)

Matthias Emmrich's Ph.D. defense

Subatomare Auflösung auf Adatomen und kraftfeldabhängige laterale Manipulation mit einem eigenentwickelten Tieftemperatur-Rasterkraftmikroskop

Dsc 1389 Klein

Gerhard Ertl Award

Foto Jay Klein

Dr. Jay Weymouth won the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award in 2015. This award is given by the Surface Science division of the German Physicist's Society (DPG) to outstanding young scientists. It is named after Prof. Gerhard Ertl (of the Fritz-Haber Institute in Berlin), who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2007.


Subatomic resolution force microscopy reveals internal structure and adsorption sites of small iron clusters

Matthias Emmrich, Ferdinand Huber, Florian Pielmeier, Joachim Welker, Thomas Hofmann, Maximilian Schneiderbauer, Daniel Meuer, Svitlana Polesya, Sergiy Mankovsky, Diemo Ködderitzsch, Hubert Ebert, Franz J. Giessibl

Fe Cluster Klein

Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa5329 (2015)


Influence of matrix and filler fraction on biofilm formation
on the surface of experimental resin-based composites

Andrei Ionescu, Eugenio Brambilla, Daniel S. Wastl, Franz J. Giessibl, Gloria Cazzaniga, Sibylle Schneider-Feyrer, Sebastian Hahnel

Zahnproben2014hydrophobes Klein

J Mater Sci: Mater Med, DOI 10.1007/s10856-014-5372-4 (2015)

Maximilian Schneiderbauer's Ph.D. defense

Aufbau eines Tieftemperatur-Ultrahochvakuum-Rasterkraftmikroskops und Messung elektrischer Multipolkräfte im Piconewton-Bereich

Verteidigung Max 1

Florian Pielmeier's Ph.D. defense

Atomic Force Microscopy in the Picometer Regime - Resolving Spins and Non-Trivial Surface Terminations

Verteidigung Flo

Interview with Reviews of Scientific Instruments

Franz J. Giessibl



Atomically Resolved Graphitic Surfaces in Air by Atomic Force Microscopy

Daniel S. Wastl, Alfred J. Weymouth and Franz J. Giessibl

Wastl Paper

ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/nn501696q (2014)

Prof. Dr. Franz J. Gießibl receives prestigious award from the APS

Keithley Award Franz

Joseph F. Keithley Award for Advances in Measurement Science 2014


CO Tip Functionalization Inverts Atomic Force Microscopy Contrast via Short-Range Electrostatic Forces

Maximilian Schneiderbauer, Matthias Emmrich, Alfred J. Weymouth, and Franz J. Giessibl

Max Pa

What does a balloon sticking to a wall have in common with an atomic-scale insulator?

When we consider the interaction between atoms, we often think about the forming and breaking of chemical bonds that is best described with quantum mechanics. But electrostatic forces, like the ones responsible for sticking a balloon on a wall after you rub on your head, also play a role at the atomic scale. Salt, made up of sodium and chloride, is a great example of the importance of these forces. The sodium and chloride atoms have different charges that keep the salt crystal together. Nanotechnology is making use of these ionic materials at the atomic scale as an insulating layer – like the plastic coating of a wire. We used an atomic force microscope to investigate one of these materials – Copper with Nitrogen in it – at the atomic scale to see what role electrostatics plays. By picking up or putting down a molecule on the tip, we can change the charge at the end of the tip. We then simulated these two cases – with and without a molecule – using just the electrostatic interaction. The great agreement between our model and our data tell us how important these interactions are even at the scale of two atoms.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 166102 (2014)

Thomas Hofmann's Ph.D. defense

Hochauflösende Rasterkraftmikroskopie auf Graphen und Kohlenmonoxid

Verteidigung Tom


Impact of thermal frequency drift on highest precision force microscopy using quartz-based force sensors at low temperatures

Florian Pielmeier, Daniel Meuer, Daniel Schmid, Christoph Strunk and Franz J. Giessibl

Pielmeier Graphical Abstract

Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 5, 407–412 (2014)


Chemical and Crystallographic Characterization of the Tip Apex in Scanning Probe Microscopy

Thomas Hofmann, Florian Pielmeier and Franz J. Giessibl

Illustration Kupferspitze Co2

Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 066101 (2014)

Interview about the field of nanotechnology

Franz J. Giessibl, Christoph Gerber, James K. Gimzewski

iopscience (2014)

nanotechweb (2014)


Quantifying molecular stiffness and interaction with lateral force microscopy

Alfred J. Weymouth, Thomas Hofmann, Franz J. Giessibl


One of the most impressive atomic force microscopy (AFM) images was taken by Leo Gross and coworkers at IBM of a molecule showing every carbon-carbon bond within it [Gross et al, Science 325, 1110]. A key step was to functionalize the tip with a CO molecule, making the apex of the AFM tip small and chemically inert [Bartels et al, Appl. Phys. Lett., 71, 213]. However, this comes with a complication: The CO isn’t stiff but rather pivots when a horizontal force is applied. Moreover, standard experimental and theoretical approaches have not been able to characterize this torsional spring. We modified our AFM to be sensitive to lateral forces (LFM). As we measure forces along the surface, we are highly sensitive to short-range interactions. We combined both LFM and AFM data of a CO terminated tip probing a CO surface molecule, to determine the parameters of a simple model: two torsional springs interacting via a Morse potential.

Science, 343, 1120-1122 (2014)


Group of Prof. Gießibl


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