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Research areas

The research focus of the chair is on the fields of comparative democracy research ( especially associations, parliamentarism, defects of democracy) and the analysis of the developmental logic of political systems. Currently, the following projects are in progress:

A monograph with the working title "The Power of the Middle. Why Healthy Democracy is the Vanishing Point of Political History," which builds on the findings of the study "Pathology of Democracy" and the anthology "Rise and Fall of Western Rule." The study aims to bring together both lines of argumentation and to explain, within the framework of a theory synthesis, why the developmental logic of political processes of rise and decline in the course of political history leads to a clear competitive advantage for democracy as a form of rule, but by no means to its unthreatened dominance.

In addition, several doctoral projects are in progress (a list of finished and current dissertations under the supervision of Prof. Sebaldt can be found here)

Chair of Comparative Politics (Focus on Western Europe)

Prof. Dr. Martin Sebaldt

Building PT, Room 3.1.13

Office Phone: 0941-943-3521

Mail: sekretariat.sebaldt@ur.de