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Faculty of Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Richard Höfer

Doris Ferstl
Office: M111A
Phone: 0941/943-2773


Here you can find a complete version of my CV.

Current position:

    Associate professor (tenure-track poisition W2-W3)
    Faculty of Mathematics
    University of Regensburg

Previous positions:

    Leopoldina Postdoc Fellow
    Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche
    Université de Paris
    Postdoc mentors: Laurent Desvillettes, David Gérard-Vared

    Postdoctoral researcher
    Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
    Université de Bordeaux
    Postdoc mentors: Christophe Prange, Franck Sueur
    Member of the Project BORDS funded by the French national research agency ANR
(grant ANR-16-CE40-0027-0)

    Postdoctoral researcher
    Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
    Universität Bonn
    Postdoc mentor: Juan J.L. Velázquez
    Member of Collaborative Research Centre 1060 (SFB 1060): The Mathematics of Emergent Effects, project B8, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)


    10/2015–07/2019: Ph.D. in Mathematics at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Universität Bonn.
    (Position with Hausdorff Scholarship 10/2015–9/2018).
    Ph.D. Thesis: Title Sedimentation of particle suspensions in Stokes flows
    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Juan J.L. Velázquez
    Final grade: Summa cum laude (0,0)

    10/2013–07/2015 Master in Mathematics at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Universität Bonn.
    Master thesis: Screening in the perforated space by the method of reflections
    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Juan J.L. Velázquez
    Final grade: 1,0

    10/2010–7/2013: Bachelor in Mathematics  at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Universität Bonn.
    Bachelor thesis: Konvexe Integration der Eulergleichungen
    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
    Final grade: 1,0


    2021 – 2022: Leopoldina postdoc fellowship.

    2020: Hausdorff memorial prize, awarded by the Bonn Mathematical Society for the best doctoral dissertation of the academic year 2018/2019.

    2015 – 2018: Hausdorff Scholarship for PhD studies.

    2014: Bachelor prize of the Bonn Mathematical Society.

Faculty of Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Richard Höfer

Doris Ferstl
Office: M111A
Phone: 0941/943-2773