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Faculty of Mathematics


Prof. Dr. Helmut Abels

Samm2015 Abels

Building M, Room 110
Phone: 0941/943-4288
Saskia Lindenberg
Building M, Room 218
Phone: 0941/943-2390



Here you can find some informations and the excercises of my current lecture.

Commented Course Catalogue:

Here are all current courses as well as the commented course catalog of the Faculty of Mathematics available.


Here is the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis and Lehrveranstaltungsmanagment (LSF)" of the University of Regensburg available.

Notes on oral examination:

Oral examination for my lectures take place according to personal agreements. Basically there is every month the possibility for an oral examination. To make an appointment please contact me via e-mail or come to my office hour. Beside them you have to register in FlexNow, which has been done lately 14 days before the examination. The cancelation has to be done one week before the examination. In case of cancelation in FlexNow please send me a short e-mail for information.

Notes on bachelor theses:

Under my supervision you can write a bachelor these in the field of analysis, for example for diverse topics in field of differential equations, Fourier analysis and functional analysis. The subjects are chosen individually due to the personal interests. There is no deadline for the assignment of subjects. But you should declare your interest and ask for a reasonable time in advance, more precisely: before the end of the lecture period in the semester before you plan to write the Bachelor thesis.


Faculty of Mathematics


Prof. Dr. Helmut Abels

Samm2015 Abels

Building M, Room 110
Phone: 0941/943-4288
Saskia Lindenberg
Building M, Room 218
Phone: 0941/943-2390