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Political Science


New acquisitions in the field of Political Science Methods

Against the background of the newly established professorship " Methoden der
Political Science", the Political Science Library will expand its holdings in accordance with the relevant focal points in teaching and research.
Fortunately, the university administration has provided additional funds for this purpose. While the political science section of the textbook collection in the Central Library was initially equipped with many multiple copies of standard works, the reading room stock will be expanded in the next step.  This will take into account various areas of political science, including quantitative and qualitative methods in the social sciences, metropolitan governance and policy field analysis.
The newly acquired books will initially be published for a short time in the
New acquisitions shelf Political Science (area "lower level" in the reading room Philosophicum II) and in the long term they will be primarily positioned in the shelfmark section 51/MB...

Contact Persons

Subject librarian

Axel Kronenberg, Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.)

Philosophy/Theology, Room 1.2.3
Phone: 0941 943-2258 or -3433
E-mail: axel.kronenberg@ur.de / politik.ub@ur.de

Departmental librarian

Daniela Sawade

Philosophy/Theology, Room 1.2.10
Phone: 0941 943-3440
E-Mail: daniela.sawade@ur.de / politik.ub@ur.de


Site plans of the sublibraries

Lageplaene-bibliothekSite plans of the 13 sublibraries

A 3D overview plan shows the reading rooms in the respective faculty buildings.

More detailed floor plans provide you with information about the accesses within the respective building when you click on them.

Reading Rooms with subject allocation

Overview of the reading rooms (PDF) with subject allocation.

Map Reading Room Philosophicum 2 Lower Level

Skizze Philosophicum 2 Ebene Map Philosophicum 2 Lower Level PDF

Short Introduction

Collection and reading room

  • 63,771 volumes
  • Of which 15,604 journal volumes
  • 91 current printed journals
  • 2,007 electronic journals licenced, in addition many freely accessible electronic periodicals available
  • 835 reading places (in reading room Philosophicum 2)

 Holdings profile

The Political Science Sub-Library acquires literature on various sub-areas of political science, in particular on political philosophy, comparative political science (focus on Western/Central/Eastern Europe), international politics and methods of political science. The vast majority of the acquisitions are concentrated on current study and research literature. In the above-mentioned areas of political science, monographs on the teaching and research foci of the  political science institute and reference works (lexicons, encyclopaedias, handbooks, language dictionaries) are acquired.

At present, 91 journals in printed form are kept up to date; the main topics correspond essentially to those mentioned above in relation to literature acquisition. This means that, on the one hand, journals covering a wide range of topics are included, e.g. "Zeitschrift für Politik, Political Studies, etc.", and, on the other hand, periodicals with a more specific focus, such as "Survival", are also available. In the field of political science we now offer access to 4,429 electronic journals (yellow and green dot) in full text in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) and search options in various literature databases in our Database Information System (DBIS).

Within the limits of the financial possibilities of the University Library of Regensburg, your satisfaction with the literature equipment is our highest goal. Therefore, please let us know your acquisition suggestions.

Locations for Political Science Literature

  • The reference collection on political science (sketch reading room Philosophicum 2 lower level (PDF) is mostly located in the Politology sublibrary of the Reading Room Philosophicum 2. Here the current stock of scientific literature for study and research as well as the current journals are kept available. The holdings are freely accessible and intended for use in the reading room (reference use).

Site plans

  • Older or less frequently used literature and works requiring special protection are stored in the central holdings and must be ordered for borrowing from the Regensburg catalogue.
  • Textbooks: Literature that is of fundamental importance for study and is required for lectures or seminars, for example, is available in single copies in the reading room. Multiple copies of all essential textbooks can be borrowed from the textbook collection in the Central Library. Please inform us if important textbooks are not available or not available in sufficient quantity.

Principles of the collection layout

In the Political Science section of Reading Room 2 of the Philosophicum (as in all other reading rooms of the Regensburg University Library, including the textbook collection), the books are arranged systematically according to subject areas ( Regensburger Verbundklassifikation), i.e. all works on a particular topic are placed next to each other. You can get an overview of the existing holdings by "browsing" the shelfs.

Related subjects and sublibraries

It is not uncommon for the various fields of political science at the Institute to intersect with other subjects. Thus, for example, central works of political philosophy can be found in the Philosophy sublibrary, literature on international law relevant to international politics in the Law sublibrary or works on economic policy in the Economics sublibrary.

Finding Literature and Media

Reference Works for Political Science: More than Wikipedia!

Although Internet portals such as "Wikipedia" can often provide a good introduction to a topic, university work of all kinds usually requires other sources with verified information that meets scientific standards. The Department of Political Science provides a wide range of electronic and printed academic reference works, here is a small selection:

Encyclopedia of politics : the Left and the Right (Gale ebooks)


International encyclopedia of political science
Year: 2011
Location: 51/MB 1600 B799-1...-8

The MA - ML systematics for Political Science: How is the literature organized?

Section Description
MA Journals
MB Basics and self-conception of the subject
MC History of political philosophy and ideologies
MD Political theory, basic concepts of the political
ME Political Systems: General and comparison
MF Political systems: individual elements
MG - MI Political systems of individual countries
MK International Policy
ML The foreign policy of individual countries

Important local identifiers (beginnings of shelfmarks) for political scientists

Local identifier Locations
00 Central holdings in the central library (Magazin)
17 Textbook collection in the Central Library
23/M Dissertations in the field of political science (in the central holdings)
51 Political Science (in the reading room Philosophicum 2)
40 Economic Science (including economic policy, business associations)
31 Law (including European law, international law)
510 - 519 "Handapparat" Collections of the professors of the political science institute
6001 CD-ROMs and floppy disks (Philosophicum)

Subject-specific weblinks

Subject specific search engines

 Institutions and Organizations

Scientific Publishing

Publication server of the University of Regensburg: philosophy, art and social sciences

The publication server of the University of Regensburg has the goal of providing evidence of the publications of the University of Regensburg and, if possible, making them freely available (Open Access). The inclusion of older publications is possible at any time and is encouraged.

  1. Homepage UR

University Library

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