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Classical Archaeology

Moving the archaeological collections

The holdings of the Department of Classical Archaeology have moved from their previous location in the reading room Philosophicum I.

You will now find literature on classical archaeology in the reading room Philosophicum II on the upper level near the entrance next to the supervision. Large formats are placed in front of the journals at the beginning of the section.

Contact Persons

Subject librarian

Dr. Renate Achenbach

Dr. Renate Achenbach

Philosophy/Theology, Room 2.2.14
Phone 0941 943-3679
E-mail: renate.achenbach@ur.de / archaeologie.ub@ur.de

Departmental librarian

Günter Iberl

Günter Iberl

Philosophy/Theology 1, Room 1.2.09
Phone 0941 943-3439
E-mail: guenter.iberl@ur.de / archaeologie.ub@ur.de

Find subject-specific information

  • Regensburg catalogue plus

In the Regensburg Catalogue plus you will find about 3.9 million media from the following institutions: University of Regensburg, University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, WIOS, State Library Regensburg, Art Forum East German Gallery, Municipal Museum, Archive of the City of Regensburg, Episcopal Central Library Regensburg, Fürst Thurn und Taxis Court Library and Archive, Bavarian Music Academy Schloss Alteglofsheim, City Museum Abensberg Herzogskasten


Site plans of the sublibraries

Lageplaene-bibliothekSite plans of the 13 sublibraries

A 3D overview plan shows the reading rooms in the respective faculty buildings.

More detailed floor plans provide you with information about the accesses within the respective building when you click on them.

Reading Rooms with subject allocation

Overview of the reading rooms (PDF) with subject allocation.

Map Reading Room Classical Archaeology (Philosophicum 2 Gallery)

Skizze Lesesaal Philosophicum 2 Galerie

Map Philosophicum 2 Gallery (PDF)

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