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Chair of Public and International Law

Prof. Dr.

Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack, Maîtrise en droit



Elzbieta Bomastyk
Building RWL, room 2.12
Phone +94 941 943-2659
Fax +94 941 943-1973


Professor Uerpmann-Wittzack regularly holds two different courses of public international law: Law of International Relations (with Tutorial) and European Convention on Human Rights. Seminars concern different topics such as the European protection of families (summer term 2013), the UN Human Rights Covenants at the age of 50 (winter term 2016/17) and positive obligations (summer term 2022). The programme is complemented by specific courses, e.g. on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the summer term 2022.

Moreover, Professor Uerpmann-Wittzack regularly holds courses of German constitutional as well as administrative law and exceptionally of European law. General information on public law courses offered by the Faculty of Law can be found here.

While law courses are generally in German, all mayor public international law courses are taught in English since 2019/20. This flyer gives you an overview.

You will find German up to date information on courses on the e-learning platform G.R.I.P.S.

Law of International Relations

The course deals with key areas of public international law, in particular the law of diplomatic relations, the interdiction of the use of force and self-defence, peace-keeping and peace-enforcement within the United Nations as well as international courts and tribunals.

There is the possibility to pass a written test of 1 hour in the end.

Tutorial Law of International Relations

2 ECTS credits (only in combination with a lecture of 4 ECTS; only 1 ECTS credit if you study Public Law as Second Major/Minor), in English, 1 hpw

The colloquium expands on selected issues of Public International Law. Special attention is paid to the basics of Public International Law such as sources of law, the law of treaties, customary law, states and other subjects of international law. In preparation for the seminars, techniques of scientific working are also introduced.

The colloquium can only be attended in combination with the lecture on the Law of International Relations. Those who attend the lecture may be awarded 6 ECTS (5 ECTS for Pubic Law as Second Major/Minor) if they attend the colloquium at the same time and pass an expanded written test of 75 minutes in the end.

European Convention on Human Rights

4 ECTS credits, in English, 2 hpw, summer term

All 47 Council of Europe States are bound by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Over the years, the European Court of Human Rights has developed a rich case law on the different convention guarantees. This pan-European system for the protection of human rights will be at the core of the course. Selected rights will be studied in detail. Moreover, you will learn about the complex relationsship between the ECHR and European Union law.

There is the possibility to pass a written test of 1 hour in the end.

  1. Faculty of Law
  2. version française

Chair of Public and International Law

Prof. Dr.

Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack, Maîtrise en droit



Elzbieta Bomastyk
Building RWL, room 2.12
Phone +94 941 943-2659
Fax +94 941 943-1973