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Ass.Prof. for Civil Law and the Law of the Algorithm-Driven Economy


Tabea Bauermeister

photo: UR/ Annika Schuppe

Gebäude RW(L), Zi. 2.04 Telefon 0941/943-2799 E-Mail: Tabea.Bauermeister (at)jura.uni-regensburg.de

Interdisciplinary Forum on Competition

The Interdisciplinary Forum on Competition (IFW) provides a platform for the cross-disciplinary exchange of early-career scholars in competition law and competition economics. The conferences organized as part of the forum take place every two years in fall (November) and focus on a current overarching theme which is discussed jointly by postdoctoral speakers on different career levels (post-docs, junior professors, assistant professors, etc.) from both legal and economic perspectives.

The Interdisciplinary Forum on Competition originated with the interdisciplinary postdoc conference “Competition in Digital Markets” (2023), organized by Dr. Björn Christian Becker at Julius Maximilians University Würzburg, and has since been jointly organized by legal scholars Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tabea Bauermeister and Dr. Björn Christian Becker as well as the economist Dr. Annika Stöhr.

Upcoming dates:

November 2025: University of Regensburg, Topic: Sports, eSports, and Gaming

November 2027: TU Ilmenau, Topic: tba

Past events:

September 29/30, 2023, Julius Maximilians University Würzburg
Topic: “Competition in Digital Markets”
Keynote: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult.
Juliane Kokott
Conference proceedings: Becker (Ed.), “Wettbewerb in digitalen Märkten”, Nomos, “Wirtschaftsrecht und Wirtschaftspolitik” series, 2025 
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You can find the conference program and an overview of the speakers here as a PDF, as well as below as an image (both in German):

Academic management and organization:

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tabea Bauermeister
Universität Regensburg



Dr. Björn Christian Becker
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


Dr. Annika Stöhr
TU Ilmenau


Ass.Prof. for Civil Law and the Law of the Algorithm-Driven Economy


Tabea Bauermeister

photo: UR/ Annika Schuppe

Gebäude RW(L), Zi. 2.04 Telefon 0941/943-2799 E-Mail: Tabea.Bauermeister (at)jura.uni-regensburg.de