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A Linguistics of the Oppressed

Language serves as both a vehicle for oppression and a tool for resistance. This course prompts students to explore the intersections of linguistics, oppression, liberation and identity.

Guest Talk: From Theory to Practice: Challenging Hegemonic biases in the Language Classroom.

Join us in a praxis-oriented discussion of hegemonic biases in the language classroom. This talk aims to bridge the gap between critical language teaching theory  and practical applications in educational settings. Prof. Aga will share with us her  expertise on how to address said biases in the English classroom from a decolonial, Southern standpoint.

DATE: Tuesday, July 2nd 2024
Registration form link: https://forms.office.com/e/CW2KMZUjzt  

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  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies