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Dr. Florian Schleburg

Office hours: Tuesdays, 2-3 pm

(see News for contact during the semester break and COVID-related changes)

Research Interests

  • History of the English language, esp. Old English syntax and the language of Geoffrey Chaucer
  • 19th century German writer Karl May, especially style and language(s)


  • Synchronic English Linguistics: Introduction to English Linguistics (Theory and Structure), Phonemic Transcription, undergraduate seminars
  • Historical Linguistics: Old English and Middle English at three levels
  • MA programme: Historical Evolution, Readings in Linguistics, Academic Writing
  • Translation English-German

      Materials on current courses (GRIPS, login required)

      List of courses taught since 1999

Further Responsibilities

  • Organiser of oral state exams for the Department of English and American Studies
  • Examiner for Old English, Middle English and Translation in the Bavarian state examination
  • Member of Board of Examiners for the MA Programme ›English Linguistics‹
  • Assistance to international MA students
  • BAföG

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

Dr. Florian Schleburg

Dr. Florian Schleburg

Schleburg 01

Room PT 3.2.82

Phone +49(0)941-943-3502

Fax +49(0)941-943-1990
