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American Studies
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg, Germany

Dr. Birgit Hebel-Bauridl

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    room: PT 3.2.85
    phone:+49 (0) 941 / 943 - 3509
    fax:+49 (0) 941 / 943 - 3590

    American Studies
    University of Regensburg
    93040 Regensburg, Germany

    email: birgit.bauridl@ur.de

    Office hours spring semester break 2025: 

    Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 1-2pm
    Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 2-3pm
    Monday, March 10, 2025, 11am-noon
    Monday, March 31, 2025, 11am-noon

    Please register in advance via email to birgit.bauridl@ur.de.   

    Bio Note

    Birgit Hebel-Bauridl (Akademische Oberrätin, American Studies) is Managing Director of the Regensburg European American Forum (REAF). Her current project focuses on embodied memory and multiscalar European-American cultural negotiations at the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial and Museum. Further research interests include site-specific transcultural performance, critical regionalism, and post-1945 German-American entanglements, nationalsocialism and transgenerational trauma; resistant epistemologies and critical whiteness studies. She is author of a monograph on Black performance poetry (2013), and co-editor of volumes on South Africa and the US (2014), trans/national (American) performance (2016), and post-1945 German-American encounters (2018). She serves on the Board of Directors of the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Europe and America in the Modern World” (UR & Regensburg Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies; since 2019) and is a member of the Center for Commemorative Cultures (UR & Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial). With Pia Wiegmink, she co-headed the international research network “Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies,” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2015 to 2018. From 2013 to 2019, she served as Member and Chair of the American Studies Association’s Women’s Committee and International Committee (ASA).

  • CV

  • Academic Appointments

    Akademische Oberrätin (current), American Studies, U Regensburg

    Assistant Professor, tenured  (2014/15-2020) /Akademische Rätin, American Studies, U Regensburg 

    Assistant Professor / Akademische Rätin a.Z., Amerikanistik, U Regensburg (2011-2014)

    Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiterin VZ), American Studies, U Regensburg (2007-2011)

    Instructor (Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiterin TZ), American Studies, U Regensburg (2005-2007)

    Degree and Research Projects

    Current Projects:

    Habilitation: "Embodied Memories at the Flossenbürg Crossroads" (working title); (American Studies, UR)

    DFG Research Network with Dr. Pia Wiegmink (U Mainz); wissenschaftliches Netzwerk DFG # BA 3567 / 4-1; "Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies" 2014-2018 (36 months + ext.).

    PhD Project

    PhD American Studies, U Regensburg; Negotiating Transformations from the Linimal Sphere of Contemporary Black Performance Poetry (2011)

    Research Interests

    embodied memory and multiscalar European-American cultural negotiations at the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial and Museum;
    post-1945 German-American entanglements, critical regionalism, and site-specific transcultural performance;
    nationalsocialism, transgenerational trauma, and performative memory repertoires;
    resistant epistemologies and critical whiteness studies

    Academic Service External

    American Studies Association (ASA) International Commitee, Member 2016-

    American Studies Association (ASA) Women’s Committee, Elected Member 2012-2015;  Co-Chair 2013-2014; Chair 2014-2015.

    Assistant Editor, Amerikastudien / American Studies (2007-2011).

    Editorial Assistant, Amerikastudien / American Studies (2005-2007).

    ERASMUS teaching assignments: IUSS Ferrara 1391e Dipartim. Di Scienze Umane, Italy.  2012, 2013, 2014.

    Reader for American Studies Journal (U Kansas) (2015-)

    Reader for Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS) (2015-)

    Advisory Board, Brno Studies in English (2013-)

    Reader for COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (2013-)

    Reader for MELUS (2013-)

    Academic Service Internal

    Managing Director Regensburg European American Forum (REAF) (2014-)

    Kommission zur Vergabe des Forschungspreises, Fakultät für Sprach,- Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, UR (2015-)

    Beirat und Leitungsgremium des Zentrums zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses UR (2016-2017)

    Admission Committee (MA American Studies / MAS; program terminated in 2016)

    Awards and Grants

    DAAD-Förderung Konferenzreise, Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, multiple times.

    Verein der Freunde der UR; Förderung von Konferenzreisen; multiple times.

    Gleichstellungsprogramm UR; Förderung von Konferenzreisen; multiple times.

    Fulbright Fellowship, Fulbright American Studies Institute, San Francisco/Washington, DC, 16-30 September 2012

    Publikationszuschuss, Gleichstellungsprogramm, U Regensburg, 2012.

    Dr.-Katharina-Sailer Promotionspreis, U Regensburg, 2011.

    International Summer School Fellowship, Bavarian American Academy

    (David Blight, Emory Elliott, Werner Sollors), 2007.

    Reisekostenzuschuss des Bayerischen Elitenetzwerks (ENB), 2007.

    Promotionsstipendium des Bayerischen Elitenetzwerks (ENB), 2006-2007 (grant period 24 months).

    Anschubfinanzierung für Promotion, Gleichstellungsprogramm der U Regensburg), 2005.

  • Publications
  • With Ingrid Gessner and Udo J. Hebel, eds. Conference Proceedings: German-American Encounters in Bavaria. In preparation.

    With Pia Wiegmink, eds. Approaching Transnational America in Performance. Frankfurt: Lang, 2016. Print.

    With Pia Wiegmink. “Approaching Transnational America in Performance—Introduction.” Approaching Transnational America in Performance. Ed. Birgit M. Bauridl and Pia Wiegmink. Frankfurt: Lang, 2016. 7-16. Print.

    “’Little America Welcomes You’: Transnational Tacit Performance at the Grafenwoehr German-American Volksfest.” Approaching Transnational America in Performance. Ed. Birgit M. Bauridl and Pia Wiegmink. Frankfurt: Lang, 2016. 177-208. Print.

    “From Grafenwoehr to ‘Graf’: A Transnational American Region in Bavaria.” Critical Regionalism. Ed. Klaus Lösch, Heike Paul, and Meike Zwingenberger; in coop. Jasmin Falk. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 103-30. Print.

    “Auma Obama Transangular: Performing Presidency between Africa, Europe, and America.” Obama and Transnational American Studies. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heildelberg: Winter, 2016. 25-44. Print.

    Rev. of Color Me White: Naturalism/Naturalization in American Literature. By Mita Banerjee. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. Print. Anglia 134.1 (2016): 200-04. Print.

    With Pia Wiegmink. “Toward an Integrative Model of Performance in Transnational American Studies.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 60.1 (2015): 157-68. Print.

    With Udo J. Hebel, eds. South Africa and the U.S. in Transnational American Studies. Spec. issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies 59.4 (2014). Print.

    With Udo J. Hebel. "South Africa and the United States in Transnational American Studies: From Comparative Approaches toward Transangulation." Amerikastudien/American Studies 59.4 (2014): 455-61. Print.

    Review Essay on Kennedy in Berlin by Ulrich Mack. Ed. Hans-Michael Koetzle. München: Hirmer, 2013. Journal für Kunstgeschichte 3 (2014): 299-310. Print. 

    Betwixt, between, or beyond? Negotiating Transformations from the Liminal Sphere of Contemporary Black Performance Poetry. American Studies: A Monograph Series 215. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013.

    "'Deep-Mapping' the Diversity of New York Lives. American Lives. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 355-68.

    "Rowing for Palestine, Performing the Crossroads, Living Multiple Consciousness: Mark Gerban and Suheir Hammad." Arab American Literature and Culture. Ed. Alfred Hornung and Martina Kohl. American Studies: A Monograph Series 199. Heidelberg, Winter, 2012. 221-42. Rpt. in Journal of Transnational American Studies 5.1 (2013).

    “’[N]ow they had captured the King of Rock ‚n‘ Roll’: Ein Streifzug durch die amerikanische Oberpfalz.” Die Befreiungshalle Kelheim: Geschichte, Mythos, Gegenwart. Ed. Christoph Wagner. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 2012. 341-49.

    With  Alexandra Ganser. “Anna Kovitzka: Ich bin allein.” Transl. 1949. Die Toten habe ich nicht befragt von David Boder. Ed. Julia Faisst, Alan Rosen, and Werner Sollors. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011.23-46.

    “Contemporary Black? Performance Poetry?” African American Literary Studies: New Texts, New Approaches, New Challenges. Ed. Glenda Carpio and Werner Sollors. Spec. issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies 55.4 (2010): 715-24.

    “‘A Lens Into What It Means to Be an American’: African American Philadelphia Murals as Sites of Memory.” Transnational American Memories. Ed. Udo J. Hebel. New York: de Gruyter, 2009. 377-404.

    “Editorial: Approaching the Second Decade (1999-2008).” (with Ingrid Gessner and Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk). COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 9 (2008)

    With Susanne Leikam. “Publications in American Studies from German-Speaking Countries, 2008.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 54.2 (2009).

    With Ingrid Gessner. “Publications in American Studies from German-Speaking Countries, 2007.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 53.2 (2008).

    With Ingrid Gessner, Susanne Leikam, and Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk, eds. COPAS (Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies) 10/2009.

    With Ingrid Gessner and Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk, eds. COPAS (Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies) 9/2008.


  • Conf./Present.

  • Conferences & Symposia

    Symposium "Environment Meets Performance: Current Research in Transnatinoal American Studies." Joint Symposium of  DFG Research Network (DFG # BA 3567/4-1) "Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies" (Bauridl/Wiegmink) and DFG Research Network "Environmental Crisis and the Transnational Imagionation" (Müller). Regensburg, September 2017. 

    Workshop. DFG Research Network (DFG # BA 3567/4-1) "Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies," with Pia Wiegmink. Mainz, March 2016. 

    "'So we beat on': Junctures and Visions of American Studies," with Karsten Fitz, Ingrid Gessner, Susanne Leikam. Regensburg, April 2016.

    "Interdisciplinary Crossroads: Performance Studies in Transnational American Studies" - Opening Conference DFG Research Network (DFG # BA 3567/4-1) "Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies," with Pia Wiegmink; Regensburg, 23-25 July 2015.

    “1945-2015: German-American Encounters in Bavaria”; with Ingrid Gessner and Udo Hebel; Regensburg/Flossenbürg, 11-13 June 2015; (in cooperation with KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg).

    Augsburg-Regensburg American Studies Symposium, with Johanna Hartmann; Augsburg, 27-28 June 2015.

    Initial Workshop. DFG Research Network (DFG # BA 3567/4-1) "Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies," with Pia Wiegmink. Bonn, 27-28 May 2015.

    Augsburg-Regensburg American Studies Symposium, with Johanna Hartmann; Regensburg; Nov. 2013.

    “ReVisions,” with Susanne Leikam; U Regensburg, 29-30 June 2012.

    Lectures, Conference Panels, Presentations

    “'Crazy, southern ways': Race, Space, and Gender in Hart of Dixie." Presentation for advanced high school seminar / W-Seminar, Gymnasium Neutraubling. 25 Jan. 2018.

    “Whose Protest Is It Anyway? Transnational Performances, Practices, and Responsibilities of Dissent” (Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA), Chicago, 9-12 November 2017). (Panel Organization and Chair)

    “Zora Neale Hurston’s Cultural Performance and the Politics of Play and Place in the New York Narratives” (Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), Hannover, June 2017) (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Entangled Performance: Post-War German-American Encounters and Regional Dis/Placement” (DFG Research Network Workshop “The Politics of Performance in Transnational Scenarios; Erfurt, 13-15 July 2017) (Lecture / Presentation)

    "NYC Slam: Performance Poetry in the City that Never Sleeps." Presentation for advanced high school seminar / W-Seminar, Gymnasium Neutraubling. 14 Jan. 2016.

    “The Many American Studies: Contemporary Perspectives and Projects.” University of Ferrara, Italy, 12 Nov. 2015. (Lecture / Presentation)

     “Auma Obama: Un-Placing Misery.“ Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA), Toronto, October 2015. (Lecture / Presentation)

    "Triangulating Cultural Transfer: The American Presence in the Upper Palatinate from Grafenwoehr to Flossenbuerg“; Augsburg-Regensburg American Studies Symposium; Augsburg, June 2015. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “’Nach Hause in die Oberpfalz’: The Grafenwöhr Training Area as Transnational Site”; Conference “1945-2015: German-American Encounters in Bavaria”; Regensburg/Flossenbürg, June 2015. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Recent Trends in American Studies—Perspectives on American Families”; Regionale Lehrerfortbildung; Augsburg, March 2015. (Lecture / Presentation)

    With Udo Hebel. "ASA International Committee & ASA Women’s Committee: Teaching American Studies Transnationally"; Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA), Washington, DC, Nov. 2014. (Panel Organization)

    With Nicole Hodges Persley. "Teaching American Studies Transnationally and Transdisciplinarily Transnational Identifications and Performance"; Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA), Washington, DC, Nov. 2014. (Lecture / Presentation)

    Women’s Brunch & Award Ceremony Anzaldua Award; Women’s Committee; Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA), Washington, DC, Nov. 2014. (Event Organization / Chair / Award Speech)

    “Auma Obama: Trans-locating American Lives”; International Conference on “Obama and Transnational American Studies”; Mainz, 18/19 Oct. 2014. (Lecture / Presentation) "Triangular Choreographies of Memory in Black Philadelphia Murals," U Hannover, May 2014. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Auma Obama: Trans-locating American Lives”; International Conference on “Obama and Transnational American Studies”; Mainz, 18/19 Oct. 2014. (Lecture / Presentation)

    "Neuere theoretische Entwicklungen und Forschungsrichtungen in den American Studies und ihre mögliche Rolle in W-Seminaren Englisch,” Regionale Lehrerfortbildung (RLFB), Oberviechtach, April 2014. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Poetic Justice? Black Activist Performances between Stage, Street, and Prison,” EAAS Conference, The Hague, April 2014. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Mapping Autobiography: Auma Obama between American Sister and Global Citizen Ferrara,” Instituto Universitario di Studi Superiori IUSS, Ferrara, Italien, March 2014. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Of Barbeques, Elvis, and Afghanistan: Visual Negotiations of the US Military Presence in Germany,” Jahrestagung der Historiker der DGfA, Tutzing, February 2014 (written version).

    With N. Hodges Persley. “Transnational Identifications and Performance: An Example of Transnational Graduate Teaching,” University of Kansas, Nov. 2013. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Women’s Caucus,” GAAS at Sixty, Marburg, Nov. 2013. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Anzaldua Award for A. Castillo,” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA), Washington, DC, Nov. 2013. (Award Ceremony)

    “ASA Women's Committee: Countering Debt with Cultural Indebtedness: Trans/National Visualizations of Dis/Empowerment and Female Participation,” ASA, Washington, DC, Nov. 2013. (Panel Organization)

    “’They say our names out loud’: Negotiations of Cultural Indebtedness in African American Philadelphia Murals,” ASA, Washington, Nov. 2013. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “'This fight will have to be mine': Trans/Nationalizing Black Performance Poetry after 9/11," NE Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Boston, MA, USA, March 2013. (Lecture / Presentation)

    "'Gut getarnt in der Oberpfalz'”? Performative Negotiations of the American Military and Cultural Presence in Germany, U Erlangen, 9 January 2013. (Lecture / Presentation)

    With Susanne Leikam. “Setting Out for the Empire at Home: Domestic Negotiations of Imperial Images ‘on Tour’” (chair: Barry Shank), American Studies Association / ASA, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 2012. (Panel Organization)

    “A Domestic Space Abroad: Touring the Trans/National Realm of a US Military Community in Germany,” ASA, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 2012. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “‘Where our nation began...‘: Constructing American Memories on the Streets of Philadelphia,“ Instituto Universitario di Studi Superiori IUSS, Ferrara, Italien, October 2012. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Contemporary Black Performance Poetry, Media Culture, and a Transnational Community of ‘Others,’” MESEA, Barcelona, June 2012. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “‘Deep-Mapping’ the Diversity of New York Lives: The ‘City of Memory’ Digital Project,” DGfA, Mainz, June 2012. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Black Performance Poetry in and beyond the U.S.A.,” Instituto Universitario di Studi Superiori IUSS, Ferrara, Italien, March 2012. (Lecture / Presentation)

    With Pia Wiegmink. “Encountering the Nation: Performances of Belonging, Community, and Transformation” (chair: David Román) American Studies Association / ASA, Baltimore, MD, October 2011. (Panel Organization).

    "Immigration and National Belonging in Contemporary Black Performance Poetry,” ASA, Baltimore, MD, Oktober 2011. (Lecture / Presentation)

    "Transnationalizing Contemporary Black Performance Poetry,” U of Kansas, Lawrence, August 2011. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Mapping American Narratives: A Philadelphia Tour from Independence Hall to Whitman Bridge,” Teaching Spaces, Lehrerfortbildung, Regensburg; 2011. (Lecture / Presentation)

     "Role Models in the “Communitas” of Contemporary (Black) Performance Poetry; Collegium for African American Research, CAAR , Paris, April 2011. (Lecture / Presentation)

    With Katharina Gerund and Hermine Pinson. “Sounding the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in Poetry,” Collegium for African American Research, CAAR, Bremen U, Apr. 2009. (Panel Organization)

    “ Spoken Word Poetry Performs Freedom“; Collegium for African American Research, CAAR, Bremen U, Apr. 2009. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Crossroads with Various Intersections: ‘Multiple Consciousness’ in a  Transnational Age” (chair: Emory Elliott) American Studies Association / ASA, Albuquerque, NM, 2008. (Panel Organization)

    “Rowing for Palestine, Performing the Crossroads: Mark Gerban and Suheir Hammad,” ASA, Albuquerque, NM, 2008. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Fusing the Different: Contemporary Black Slam/Performance Poetry as a Site of Transnational Memory,” American Studies Association / ASA, Oakland, CA, 2006. (Lecture / Presentation)

    “Contemporary Black Slam/Performance Poetry,” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien / DGfA, Postgraduate Conference, Chemnitz, 2006. (Lecture / Presentation)

  • Teaching
  • Courses Taught (American Studies, U of Regensburg)


    Introduction to English and American Literary Studies (multiple times)

    Undergraduate Seminars / Proseminare

    American Literature I: From the Beginnings through the 19th Century (PS)

    American Literature II: The Twentieth Century (PS; multiple)

    Introduction to African American Studies (PS elective)

    Memory and Re-Memory in Recent African American Studies (PS elective)

    Philadelphia: An American City from Colonial Times through the 21st Century (PS elective)

    Ethnicity and Multiple Identities in American Culture: From W.E.B. Du Bois to Jhumpa Lahiri (PS elective)

    Representing 21st-Century America (PS elective)

    Lecture Courses

    American Literary History (multiple)

    Single sessions in Cultural Studies lecture series: Native American History and Culture; Women’s Movements; African American History and Culture

    Graduate Seminars

    Fundamentals of American Studies; new: Fundamentals: Approaches, Concepts, Theories; (MAS/MEAS; multiple)

    Reading and Discussion: American Cultural and Literary History (MAS; multiple)

    Readings in European-American Relations (MEAS)

    Mapping American Spaces (Cult. Adv.; MAS, MEAS)

    Transnational Pictures of America (Cult. Adv.; MAS, MEAS)

    Stages, Sites, and Spectacles: Contemporary Enactments of Trans/National Identities (Cult. Adv.;  MAS, MEAS; transnational, online-based coure in cooperation with Dr. Nicole Hodges Persley, Performance Studies, University of Kansas, USA)

    America(ns) in Bavaria? Projects in Cultural Triangulations (Cult. Adv.; MAS, MEAS; Cult. Adv.;  MAS, MEAS; transnational, online-based coure in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Frank Mehring, American Studies, Radboud University, The Netherlands; multiple)

    Contemporary Performance, Contemporary Research (Cult. Adv.; MAS, MEAS)

    From Helene (Fischer) to Michelle: Transnational. Representations of the Obama Women (Cult. Adv.; MAS, MEAS; Gender Studies)

    Performing Black American Lives and Memories (Cult. Adv.; MAS, MEAS)

    Academic Writing MA (multiple)

    Presentation BA (AE) (multiple)

    Exam Preparation / Prüfungsvorbereitung Grund- und Hauptstudium

    Kurs zur Zwischenprüfungsvorbereitung (mehrfach)

    Review American Literature (u.a. Staatsexamensvorbereitung; mehrfach)

    Research Seminar / Oberseminar

    Recent Research in American Studies (OS; MAS/MEAS)

    Course Blogs and E-Learning Links: 



Bauridl2016 Website

room: PT 3.2.85
phone:+49 (0) 941 / 943 - 3509
fax:+49 (0) 941 / 943 - 3590

American Studies
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg, Germany

email: birgit.bauridl@ur.de

Office hours spring semester break 2025: 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 1-2pm
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 2-3pm
Monday, March 10, 2025, 11am-noon
Monday, March 31, 2025, 11am-noon

Please register in advance via email to birgit.bauridl@ur.de.   

Bio Note

Birgit Hebel-Bauridl (Akademische Oberrätin, American Studies) is Managing Director of the Regensburg European American Forum (REAF). Her current project focuses on embodied memory and multiscalar European-American cultural negotiations at the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial and Museum. Further research interests include site-specific transcultural performance, critical regionalism, and post-1945 German-American entanglements, nationalsocialism and transgenerational trauma; resistant epistemologies and critical whiteness studies. She is author of a monograph on Black performance poetry (2013), and co-editor of volumes on South Africa and the US (2014), trans/national (American) performance (2016), and post-1945 German-American encounters (2018). She serves on the Board of Directors of the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Europe and America in the Modern World” (UR & Regensburg Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies; since 2019) and is a member of the Center for Commemorative Cultures (UR & Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial). With Pia Wiegmink, she co-headed the international research network “Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies,” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2015 to 2018. From 2013 to 2019, she served as Member and Chair of the American Studies Association’s Women’s Committee and International Committee (ASA).






American Studies


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American Studies
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg, Germany