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Open Positions

PhD and PostDoc Positions

We are looking for talented colleagues (PhD, Post Doc) who are interested in post-quantum cryptography, and have a strong background in mathematics, computer science, or physics.

If you are interested, please send an email to juliane.kraemer@ur.de, including a short CV (including publications, if applicable) and a letter of motivation, where you also describe your research interest.

Student Assistant Positions

  • We are looking for a student assistant at the earliest possible date (October 2024 at the latest) to create a script for the lecture 'Introduction to IT Security' during the winter semester 2024/25. Further activities are already required, for example literature research or the creation of graphics with TikZ. Particularly eligible are students in the current second semester of the B.Sc. in Computer Science or Data Science who want to listen to the lecture themselves, as well as students in higher semesters of other degree programs who have already successfully attended a lecture in the field of IT security. If you are interested, please contact Juliane Krämer directly: juliane.kraemer@ur.de.

  • We are looking for a student assistant to implement a number of attacks against symmetric cryptographic schemes. Details can be found in this document.
  • We are looking for a student assistant to do literature research on the so-called FO-transform used in many key exchange schemes. Details can be found in this document.

  1. Faculty of Informatics and Data Science

Chair of Data Security and Cryptography

Data Security and Cryptography

Quantum and Physical Attack Resistant Cryptography

Bajuwarenstraße 4
93053 Regensburg