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Faculty of Informatics and Data Science


System Administration

The system administrator team oversees the IT infrastructure of FIDS and assists with associated technical inquiries, requests, and problems. It also offers IT support related to research and teaching. Please reach out to Admins.FIDS@ur.de in the cases described.
For more information, please visit the IT documentation page of the system administrators.

For inquiries and problems regarding central services at UR (such as GRIPS) and student NDS accounts, contact the Computer Center's service desk at ServiceDesk@ur.de.

System Administrator

Matthias Fruth

Office: Building BA, Room 503
Phone: +49 941 943-68538
Email: Matthias.Fruth@ur.de

Consultation hours: Mon. to Wed. 2:30 - 4:30 PM

System Administrator

Dominik Metz

Office: Building BA, Room 503
Phone: +49 941 943-68615
Email: Dominik.Metz@ur.de

Consultation hours: Tue. to Thu. 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

System Administrator

Dr. Nils Meyer

Office: Building BA, Room 502
Phone: +49 941 943-68537
Email: Nils.Meyer@ur.de

Consultation hours: Mon. to Thu. 11 - 15 PM

Faculty of Informatics and Data Science