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Student Advising Human-Centred AI


Student Advising for international applicants


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Program Profile and Structure


Your M.Sc. in Human-Centred AI will equip you with the skills to develop innovative, user-focused AI solutions and work in interdisciplinary environments. Throughout your studies, you will have the opportunity to deepen your expertise in advanced topics of machine learning, human-computer interaction, and AI ethics, while also specializing in specific application areas.

As a graduate of our Master's program, you will have received an excellent academic education, customized to your individual interests and career aspirations.

You will have developed a strong foundation in AI methodologies, human-centred design principles, and responsible AI practices, while also conducting your own research projects on current challenges in the field. This will prepare you to shape the future of AI, pursue doctoral studies, or advance your career as a highly sought-after expert in academia, industry, or policy-making.


The degree program is divided into 14 compulsory modules (incl. Master's thesis) with a total of 120 CP. Within many of the compulsory modules, you have thematic options and can organize your studies according to your interests!

Not to be missed: The Core Modules

In addition to an introductory module that gives you an overview of the entire field of human-centered AI, you will complete five core modules during your studies: In AI Ethics you will discuss ethical dilemmas in AI systems, in Technologies for Human-Centred AI 1 and 2 you will develop solutions for (AI) systems by applying human-centered design principles, e.g. in the field of Natural Language Programming, Recommender Systems and Information Retrieval, and in the Free Elective module you can deepen your knowledge of topics or gain insights into new topics and trends - also in the field of Computer Science and Data Science.

What you want: The Advanced Modules

We provide you with a framework of topics and you can choose which topics interest you the most. This is the core idea of our advanced modules. You can complete seven modules and within the modules you can choose between different courses and projects from Information Science, Computer Science, Data Science and Psychology, among others. The seven modules include: Explainable AI, Generative AI, Information Behavior, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Current Topics in Human-Centred AI, Empirical Human-Centred AI and Computational Human-Centred AI.

What you can: The Research Modules

Towards the end of your studies, you can apply all your knowledge and skills in project seminars by planning and implementing projects in the field of human-centered AI independently and as part of a team. If you wish, one of these projects can result in your Master's thesis.

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Student Advising Human-Centred AI


Student Advising for international applicants
