Academic Education
- 09/2016 - 09/2018: Master of Science in Psychology, University of Regensburg (thesis: Binding Time: Integration of stimulus duration in visual event-files)
- 10/2012 - 08/2016: Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Regensburg (thesis: The influence of sequential changes in reward expectation on flexibility at (voluntary) task switching)
Professional Employment History
- 04/2023 - present: Research associate (parental leave replacement), chair of Medical Psychology, Psychological Diagnostics and Methodology (Prof. Dr. Brigitte M. Kudielka), University of Regensburg
- 11/2018 – 03/2023: PhD student, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
- 01/2017 - 10/2018: Research assistent, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
- 11/2014 - 12/2016: Student assistant, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
08/2014 - 09/2014: Intern at the chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
Articles (peer-reviewed)
- Köllnberger, K., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2024). Binding of the feature stimulus duration in the auditory domain: SR or SS binding; or both?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470218241287190
- Bogon, J., Köllnberger, K., Thomaschke, R., & Pfister, R. (2023). Binding and retrieval of temporal action features: Probing the percision level of feature representations in action planning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(7), 989-998. https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0001136
- Köllnberger, K., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2022). Binding time: Investigations on the integration of visual stimulus duration. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470218221140751
Conference Presentations
- Köllnberger, K., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2023). Binding Music: Integration of two-tone chords into event files. 65. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Trier, Germany, 27.03.2023. [invited symposium talk]
- Köllnberger, K., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2022). Binding Music: Integration of two-tone chords into event files. 64. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Köln (virtual meeting), Germany, 22.03.2022. [poster]
- Köllnberger, K., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach G. (2021). Binding Music: Integration of two-tone chords into event files. 10. Doktoranden-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie, Würzburg, Germany, 17.07.2021. [talk]
- Köllnberger, K.*, Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2020). Binding Time: Exploring the integration of visual stimulus duration into event files. 9. Doktoranden-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie, Regensburg (virtual meeting), Germany, 25.07.2020. [poster] *part of the organization team
- Köllnberger, K., Bogon, J., & Dreisbach, G. (2020). Binding Time: Exploring the integration of visual stimulus duration into event files. 62. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Jena, Germany, 25.03.2020. [poster]
- Köllnberger, K., Bogon, J., Thomaschke, R., & Dreisbach G. (2019). Binding Time: Integration of response duration into event files. 8. Doktoranden-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie, Mannheim, Germany, 27.07.2019. [talk]
Curriculum vitae
Academic Education
- 09/2016 - 09/2018: Master of Science in Psychology, University of Regensburg (thesis: Binding Time: Integration of stimulus duration in visual event-files)
- 10/2012 - 08/2016: Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Regensburg (thesis: The influence of sequential changes in reward expectation on flexibility at (voluntary) task switching)
Professional Employment History
- 04/2023 - present: Research associate (parental leave replacement), chair of Medical Psychology, Psychological Diagnostics and Methodology (Prof. Dr. Brigitte M. Kudielka), University of Regensburg
- 11/2018 – 03/2023: PhD student, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
- 01/2017 - 10/2018: Research assistent, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
- 11/2014 - 12/2016: Student assistant, chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg
08/2014 - 09/2014: Intern at the chair for General and Applied Psychology (Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach), University of Regensburg