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Exercising and Peripheral Physiology Laboratory

In March 2024, our exercise lab has finally been set up. We are currently running a study to investigate whether women with eating disorders differ from healthy individuals and athletes regarding their reward satiation when exercising

One focus of our research is on exercising behaviour in eating disorders. For this purpose, we use a bicycle ergometer to enable exercising activity in a standardised setting and to record resulting physiological and psychological changes. In addition, questions about general effects of exercise and sport on psychopathological processes in children, adolescents and young adults are investigated.

The following equipment is available in our laboratory:

  • Bicycle ergometer with different sized frames for children, adolescents and adults
  • Computer control for adapting the pedalling resistance to the individual performance
  • Touchscreen for questionnaire recording while using the ergometer
  • Power measurement (watts, cadence)
  • Peripheral physiological variables (HR, HRV, electrodermal activity)
  • Eyetracking
  • Calibrated body scales

Ecological Momentary Assessment Laboratory

Another focus of our research is the recording of dynamic psychopathological processes in the everyday life of children and adolescents. For that purpose, we use the possibilities offered by smartphones and wearables for data collection outside the laboratory to measure relevant processes directly in the social, local and everyday environment of the study participants. This method is called Ecological Momentary Assessment. Our laboratory has the following equipment for this purpose:

  • Modern smartphones with apps for questionnaire collection in everyday life
  • Movisens ECGMove4 sensors for recording physical activity, position, heart rate and heart rate variability.

Are you interested in our research and would you like to be informed about future research projects? Feel free to contact sekretariat.kolar@uni-regensburg.de. With your consent we will store your contact details and provide information about upcoming and new studies.

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy

Sedanstraße 1
93055 Regensburg

Phone: 0941 943-7551

E-Mail: sekretariat.kolar@uni-regensburg.de