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Women´s Representative

Welcome to the homepage of the Representatives for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Women's Representatives of the Faculty of Chemistry & Pharmacy

Women's Representative

Petra Hilgers

Dr. Petra Hilgers

Office: Building CH, Room 32.1.83
Telephone: 0941 943-4649

Women's Representative - Assistant

Robert Wolf

Prof. Dr. Robert Wolf   

Office: Building CH, Room 22.2.81
Telephone: 0941 943-4485

Women's Representative - Assistant

Julia Rehbein

Prof. Dr. Julia Rehbein

Office: Building CH, Room 23.1.85
Telephone: 0941 943-4628

Women's Representative - Assistant

Dr. Eva Müller

Office: Building CH, Room 12.2.12
Telephone: 0941 943-4031

Financial support for female early career researchers

Financial Incentive System to Promote Gender Equality

Each year, our faculty will be allocated funds from the Financial Incentive System to Promote Gender Equality.

Funding opportunities are, for example:

  • SHK or WHK positions for young female researchers
  • start-up funding for doctorates
  • grants for completing a doctorate, postdoc or habilitation
  • travel grants
  • information events outside the university on individual courses
  • literature and software procurement
  • printing subsidies
  • translation costs for publications
  • support for guest lectures by researchers or invitations from cooperation partners by UR researchers
  • advanced training
  • measures of the faculty's equality concepts

You can find more information here: www.go.ur.de/fas-gleichstellung


If you wish to apply, please observe the following conditions:

  • The application must include a cover letter with a short reason and motivation for the application.
  • short CV
  • When applying for SHK / WHK positions, scholarships and academic trips, enclose a letter of support or justification from your superior.
  • Enclose a brief statement that funds will not be withdrawn from another party or that, if approved by another party, the funds granted will be repaid after consultation.
  • When attending a conference, include a clear breakdown of costs.

The application must be submitted in electronic form in one complete document to: petra.hilgers@ur.de

Bavarian Programme to Realise Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching

Call for Applications 2025

To promote equal opportunities for women in research and teaching, the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art) is expected to offer financial support for the "Programme to Realise Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching".

The aim of this grant is to promote highly qualified female early career researchers in their path to professorship by providing financial support for covering the researcher's living expenses. The Landeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Bayerischen Hochschulen determines the amount of the grant as well as the underlying funding guidelines. The University of Regensburg complements this programme within the scope of the "Professorinnenprogramms III des Bundes und der Länder" with additional and complementary sponsorship.

Dependent on the appointment of funds, the following scholarships will be offered in 2024:

(1) scholarships for starting a doctorate
(2) scholarships for completing a doctorate
(3) postdoc scholarships
(4) habilitation scholarships
(5) post-habilitation scholarships

The deadline for application is May 1st, 2025.

For detailed information please see: https://go.ur.de/baychancenstipendium

Research and Mobility Grants 

In order to implement equal opportunities for women in research and teaching, the University of Regensburg (UR) provides additional funds for publication and travel support and research assistants for early career women scientists until 31.12.2027.

Target group | Female postdoctoral researchers, habilitation candidates, private lecturers at the UR with temporary employment contracts, W1 professors and advanced female doctoral candidates from faculties in which the average proportion of female doctorates over the past four years has been below 50 percent (for applications in 2024: Catholic Theology; Law; Business, Economics and  Management Information Systems; Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities; Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry and Pharmacy).

Benefits | Grants for material and travel expenses as well as allowances for research assistants that contribute to the profile of the academic career and for which no other funding is possible.

Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis

Find the guidelines and more information here.

Contact: Equal Opportunities Coordination Office | chancengleichheit@ur.de | phone 0941 943-3581

International Mobility Grants For Women Early Career Scientists

In order to provide support for early career women scientists, the University of Regensburg (UR) is offering grants until 31.12.2027 to finance research stays abroad and to promote international mobility.

The cross-faculty program serves to finance long term, in-depth research trips abroad and is intended to support highly qualified women academics in their careers by integrating them into the international academic network. The mobility grant is a university-wide program to promote equal opportunities for women in science.

Find the guidelines and more information here.

Application deadline: October 1st, 2024

Contact: Equal Opportunities Coordination Office | chancengleichheit@ur.de | phone 0941 943-3581

Duties of the women's representatives

According to Article 4, Para. 1, Clause 1 BayHSchG, in exercising their function, universities promote the actual implementation of gender equality and consider this a guiding principle; they work towards eliminating existing disadvantages. The women's representatives, according to Article 4, Para. 2 BayHSchG, strive to eliminate disadvantages to female researchers, lecturers, and students; they support the university in exercising its function as outlined in Para. 1.

The faculty women's representatives endeavour to enhance equal opportunities and to increase the compatibility of family and career or studies. Pursuant to Section 54, Para. 1, Clause 1 of the University of Regensburg's statute, they are elected by the faculty board upon the dean's recommendation from among UR's full-time arts and science personnel. According to Section 55, Para. 2 of the statute, the women's representative elected by their respective faculty is a voting member of the faculty board and in appointment procedures. 

Click here to access the complete Bavarian Higher Education Act (BayHSchG) and the UR statute.

Helpful links

  2. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Women's Representative
