Curriculum Vitae
since 2000 Professor and chair of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Regensburg (Germany) 1998 Habilitation at the University of Siegen
„The preparative application of a copper(I) halide matrix for the synthesis of new materials -
inverstigation of adducts of copper halides and –chalcogenometallates“1996 Visiting research fellow at the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes (F) with Prof. Dr. J. Rouxel 1995-2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Siegen
Research Group of Prof. Dr. H.-J. Deiseroth1991-1995 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Stuttgart
Research Group of Prof. Dr. H.-J. Deiseroth1991 Dissertation at the University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. H.-D. Lutz)
„Struktur und Leitfähigkeit neuer Lithium- und Kupfer(I)-ionenleiter“
1988 Diploma Thesis at the University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. H.-D. Lutz)
„Halogenidspinelle, präparative und strukturchemische
Untersuchungen, Leitfähigkeitsmessungen“1982-1988 Study of Chemistry at the University of Siegen 1982 High-School Diploma 1963 Born in Netphen
2004-2006 Vicedean 2006-2008 Dean seit 2004 Editor „Monatshefte für Chemie – Chemical Monthly“
CURRiculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
since 2000 | Professor and chair of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Regensburg (Germany) |
1998 | Habilitation at the University of Siegen „The preparative application of a copper(I) halide matrix for the synthesis of new materials - |
1996 | Visiting research fellow at the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes (F) with Prof. Dr. J. Rouxel |
1995-2000 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Siegen Research Group of Prof. Dr. H.-J. Deiseroth |
1991-1995 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Stuttgart Research Group of Prof. Dr. H.-J. Deiseroth |
1991 | Dissertation at the University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. H.-D. Lutz) „Struktur und Leitfähigkeit neuer Lithium- und Kupfer(I)-ionenleiter“ |
1988 | Diploma Thesis at the University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. H.-D. Lutz) „Halogenidspinelle, präparative und strukturchemische |
1982-1988 | Study of Chemistry at the University of Siegen |
1982 | High-School Diploma |
1963 | Born in Netphen |