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Research in our group spans the areas of inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry.

A key goal of our program is to develop catalysts for small molecule chemistry, such as H2 production and O2 activation; reactions that are central to renewable energy and sustainable chemistry processes. Our focus is on the design and study of late transition metal complexes (e.g. Fe, Co, Ni, Cu), particularly on the study of systems containing multiple redox active sites. Our research strategy is inspired in part by metalloenzymes that effectively carry out similar transformations.

The projects in our lab entail a diverse combination of organic and inorganic synthesis, spectroscopy and reactivity studies. Together, these methods provide a detailed picture of the electronic structure of our compounds and allow us to assess structure-function relations in our systems.

  1. Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie
  2. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

AK Hess

Prof. Dr. Corinna Hess

CH 22.2.81
