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  2. IRE|BS - International Real Estate Business School

Chair of Real Estate Finance

Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian


Phone: +49 941 943 5081
Fax: +49 941 943 5082
Room: VG 209
Office Hours:
Mo.-Tu. 12.00-15.00, Th.-Fr. 8:00-12:00




In coordination with the other chairs at the Department of Real Estate, the Chair of Real Estate Finance specializes on finance related topics. Students will obtain quantitative methods and theories in real estate finance that will provide a solid base for real estate specialists working in the financial sector.

The Chair of Real Estate Finance focuses on real estate as an asset class for private and institutional investors. Along with direct investments, we especially examine indirect investments, such as open-end real estate funds, property companies or REITs. Other areas of research and education at the chair are the financing of real estate investments and its securitization.

  1. University of Regensburg Homepage
  2. IRE|BS - International Real Estate Business School

Chair of Real Estate Finance

Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian


Phone: +49 941 943 5081
Fax: +49 941 943 5082
Room: VG 209
Office Hours:
Mo.-Tu. 12.00-15.00, Th.-Fr. 8:00-12:00