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Urban Economics and Retail Real Estate

(New National Gallery, Mies van der Rohe, Berlin)

Welcome to this research page. My ongoing research is into the relevance of light and shadow (such as in Jacobs' "eyes on the street") for both city life and retail vibrancy.  

Working Papers

  • Dascher, K. and A. Haupt (2024) Daylight Developers, and the Inexorable Rise of the Chess Block, available soon.
  • Dascher, K. and A. Haupt (2024) The 'Daylit City': Bright Houses and Blind Streets, available soon.
  • Dascher, K. (2021) Urban Policy Preference Revelation: A Primal Dual Approach.
  • or also cf. ideas.repec.org and papers.ssrn.com

Journal Articles 


  1. University of Regensburg Homepage
  2. Department of Business, Economics and Real Estate

Kristof Dascher