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Advanced Issues in Econometrics

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  • The news for Advanced Issues in Econometrics can be found on the German page of the course.

  • Course Contents
  • Course Description

    The course Advanced Issues in Econometrics (Panel and Micro Data) requires a prior attendance of the course Time Series Econometrics and extends the econometric toolbox once more as first methods for analyzing panel data are introduced. For many units or subjects available individual time series data are called panel data. Assuming that the given units underlie a joint dynamic, the latter often can be estimated by means of panel data methods. Panel data methods play an important role in modern empirical economics, e.g. for analyzing purchasing power parities. For the empirical specification of economic equilibrium models, techniques for analyzing simultaneous equation systems are required. In Advanced Issues in Econometrics, therefore fundamental basics are taught, especially the instrumental variables estimator (IV estimator) and simple conditions for identifying the existing model parameters. Finally, estimation techniques enabling a more efficient analysis of discrete data (in particular yes-or-no decisions) and their properties are discussed. As an example for this, serves the identification of determinants for the personal labor supply on the labor market. Hence, logit and probit models that are estimated by maximum likelihood are introduced. 

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction and overview

    2. Causality and Evaluation studies

    3. Pooled cross section analysis

    4. Panel data methods

    5. Instrumental variables methods and two stage OLS estimator (2SLS)

    6. Simultaneous equation models

    7. Logit and Probit models

    8. Models for sample selection corrections 


    Angrist, J. und Pischke, J. (2009), Mostly harmless econometrics. An Empiricist's Companion. Princeton University Press (Chapters 1-3).

    Wooldridge, J.M. (2009). Introductory Econometrics. A Modern Approach, 4. edition, Thomson South-Western (Chapters 13-17, Appendix B, C).

    Audience / Qualification

    This course is for bachelor students in the 2nd study phase having already attended the course Introductory Econometrics. 

    Grading System

    The grading system can be found on the German page of the course.

  • Downloads
  • The course material for Advanced Issues in Econometrics can be found on the German page of the course.

  • Appointments and Rooms
  • The schedule can be found on the German page of the course.

Current Issues

The news for Advanced Issues in Econometrics can be found on the German page of the course.

Course Contents


Appointments and Rooms

  1. Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems
  2. Department of Economics

Chair of Econometrics