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Prof. Dr. Florian Kellner

Florian Kellner is Professor (Full) of Business Analytics and Senior Manager Data Science. Keywords: Data Science, Business Analytics, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Sustainability, Research, Consulting.


Chair of Controlling and Logistics
Faculty of Business, Economics and MIS
UR - University of Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 31, D-93053 Regensburg
Email: florian.kellner@ur.de | Www: go.ur.de/kellner


Research Topics

  • Data Science, Business Analytics
  • Sustainable operations, Green logistics
  • Transport modelling
  • Game theory

Awards & Scholarships


  • Dr. rer. pol. habil. (Privatdozent),
    University of Regensburg, Germany
  • Dr. rer. pol. (summa cum laude),
    University of Regensburg, Germany
  • Master of Science (sehr gut),
    University of Augsburg, Germany
  • Master EGE Logistique (mention: très bien),
    University of Rennes, France
  • Licence (IUP),
    University of Rennes, France


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

[34] Kraft Sarah Katharina, Quayson Matthew, Kellner Florian (2024):
Assessing the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains: a perspective from the smallholder cocoa farmer,
Frontiers in Sustainability.

[33] Kunkler Jan, Kellner Florian (2022):
Sustainable City Evaluation Using the Database for Estimation of Road Network Performance,

[32] Kraft Sarah Katharina, Kellner Florian (2022):
Can Blockchain Be a Basis to Ensure Transparency in an Agricultural Supply Chain?,

[31] Kellner Florian (2022):
Generating greenhouse gas cutting incentives when allocating carbon dioxide emissions to shipments in road freight transportation,
OR Spectrum.

[30] Kellner Florian, Schröder Nadine (2022):
Location Planning & Analysis Using Uncertain Data,
IEEE Xplore.

[29] Kellner Florian, Lienland Bernhard, Utz Sebastian (2021):
A multi‐criteria decision‐making approach for assembling optimal powertrain technology portfolios in low GHG emission environments,
Journal of Industrial Ecology.

[28] Kunkler Jan, Braun Maximilian, Kellner Florian (2021):
Speed Limit Induced CO₂ Reduction on Motorways: Enhancing Discussion Transparency through Data Enrichment of Road Networks,

[27] Kellner Florian, Lienland Bernhard, Utz Sebastian (2020):
Optimal engine technology mix in a low carbon economy,
IEEE Xplore.

[26] Braun Maximilian, Kunkler Jan, Kellner Florian (2020):
Towards Sustainable Cities: Utilizing Floating Car Data to Support Location-Based Road Network Performance Measurements,

[25] Kellner Florian (2020):
Exploring the impact of urbanization on consumer goods distribution networks,
Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.

[24] Kellner Florian, Schneiderbauer Miriam (2019):
Further insights into the allocation of greenhouse gas emissions to shipments in road freight transportation: the pollution routing game,
European Journal of Operational Research.

[23] Kellner Florian, Utz Sebastian (2019):
Sustainability in supplier selection and order allocation: combining integer variables with Markowitz portfolio theory,
Journal of Cleaner Production.

[22] Kellner Florian, Lienland Bernhard, Utz Sebastian (2019):
An a posteriori decision support methodology for solving the multi-criteria supplier selection problem,
European Journal of Operational Research.

[21] Kellner Florian, Schröder Nadine (2018):
Data Mining mit unsicheren Daten - Fallbeispiel OpenStreetMap,
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik.

[20] Fuchs Christoph, Beck Daniel, Lienland Bernhard, Kellner Florian (2018):
The role of IT in automotive supplier supply chains,
Journal of Enterprise Information Management.

[19] Kellner Florian, Goerk Anna Christina, Lienland Bernhard (2017):
Mit CO₂-Kennzahlen die Ökobilanz verbessern,
Controlling & Management Review.

[18] Kellner Florian, Otto Andreas, Brabänder Christian (2017):
Bringing infrastructure into pricing in road freight transportation – A measuring concept based on navigation service data,
Transportation Research Procedia.

[17] Lienland Bernhard, Zeng Li, Mayrock Michael, Kellner Florian (2017):
Operations Research im Controlling,

[16] Igl Johannes, Kellner Florian (2017):
Exploring greenhouse gas reduction opportunities for retailers in Fast Moving Consumer Goods distribution networks,
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

[15] Kellner Florian (2016):
Exploring the impact of traffic congestion on CO2 emissions in freight distribution networks,
Logistics Research.

[14] Kellner Florian (2016):
Allocating greenhouse gas emissions to shipments in road freight transportation: Suggestions for a global carbon accounting standard,
Energy Policy.

[13] Kellner Florian (2016):
Analyse logistischer Systeme mittels Online-Navigationsdiensten – Bessere Planung auf Grundlage besserer Daten,
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik.

[12] Lukesch Maximilian, Kellner Florian (2016):
Green Controlling in Logistiknetzwerken,

[11] Zeng Li, Kellner Florian, Lienland Bernhard (2016):
Rucksackprobleme in der Praxis - schnelle Entscheidungen schwer gemacht,
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik.

[10] Neumüller Claudia, Lasch Rainer, Kellner Florian (2016):
Integrating sustainability into strategic supplier portfolio selection,
Management Decision.

[09] Kellner Florian (2015):
Insights into the effect of traffic congestion on distribution network characteristics – a numerical analysis based on navigation service data,
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications.

[08] Kellner Florian, Igl Johannes (2015):
Greenhouse gas reduction in transport: analyzing the carbon dioxide performance of different freight forwarder networks,
Journal of Cleaner Production.

[07] Neumüller Claudia, Kellner Florian, Gupta Jatinder N.D., Lasch Rainer (2015):
Integrating three-dimensional sustainability in distribution centre selection: the process analysis method-based analytic network process,
International Journal of Production Research.

[06] Kellner Florian, Otto Andreas, Lienland Bernhard (2014):
Cost Assignment Paradox: Indirect Tooling Costs and Production Orders,
Advances in Management Accounting.

[05] Kellner Florian, Otto Andreas, Busch Andreas (2012):
Understanding the robustness of optimal FMCG distribution networks,
Logistics Research.

[04] Kellner Florian, Igl Johannes (2012):
Estimating the effect of changing retailing structures on the greenhouse gas performance of FMCG distribution networks,
Logistics Research.

[03] Kellner Florian, Otto Andreas (2012):
Allocating CO2 emissions to shipments in road freight transportation,
Journal of Management Control.

[02] Lienland Bernhard, Kellner Florian (2012):
Projektauswahl mit der linearen Optimierung im Mittelstand,
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik.

[01] Obermaier Robert, Hofmann Johann, Kellner Florian (2010):
Webbasierte Fertigungssteuerung in der Praxis. Produktivitätssteigerungen mit dem Manufacturing-Execution-System MR-CM©,
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik.


[08] Lukesch Maximilian, Kellner Florian (2024):
Übungsbuch Produktionswirtschaft: Planung, Steuerung und Industrie 4.0,
3. Auflage, Springer Gabler, Berlin/Heidelberg.

[07] Kellner Florian, Lienland Bernhard, Lukesch Maximilian (2022):
Produktionswirtschaft: Planung, Steuerung und Industrie 4.0,
3. Auflage, Springer Gabler, Berlin, Heidelberg.

[06] Lukesch Maximilian, Kellner Florian (2020):
Übungsbuch Produktionswirtschaft: Planung, Steuerung und Industrie 4.0,
2. Auflage, Springer Gabler, Berlin.

[05] Kellner Florian, Lienland Bernhard, Lukesch Maximilian (2020):
Produktionswirtschaft: Planung, Steuerung und Industrie 4.0,
2. Auflage, Springer Gabler, Berlin.

[04] Kellner Florian, Brabänder Christian (2020):
VBA mit Excel: Einführung für Betriebswirte,
Springer Gabler, Berlin.

[03] Lukesch Maximilian, Kellner Florian (2018):
Übungsbuch Produktionswirtschaft,
Springer Gabler, Berlin.

[02] Kellner Florian, Lienland Bernhard, Lukesch Maximilian (2018):
Produktionswirtschaft: Planung, Steuerung und Industrie 4.0,
Springer Gabler, Berlin.

[01] Kellner Florian (2013):
Distribution Network Analysis for Fast Moving Consumer Goods,
Dissertation, University of Regensburg.

Book Chapters

[04] Lukesch Maximilian, Kellner Florian (2019):
Geoinformationssysteme für Logistikmanager: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung am Beispiel der Freeware QGIS,
in: Pradel et al.: Praxishandbuch Logistik. WoltersKluwer, Köln.

[03] Otto Andreas, Lukesch Maximilian, Brabänder Christian, Kellner Florian (2018):
in: Corsten et al.: Handbuch Produktions- und Logistikmanagement. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin.

[02] Kellner Florian, Lukesch Maximilian (2017):
Logistik nachhaltig gestalten: Die Bestimmung von CO2-Emissionen im Straßengütertransport,
in: Pradel et al.: Praxishandbuch Logistik. WoltersKluwer, Köln.

[01] Kellner Florian, Otto Andreas, Busch Andreas (2012):
Distribution Networks - Rigid Investments In Dynamic Environments,
in: Ivanov et al.: Flexibility and adaptability of global supply chains.

Presentations (Conference / Seminar / Workshop)

[13] Kellner Florian, Utz Sebastian (2023):
Exploring Sustainability Priorities in Purchasing Decisions Based on Inverse Optimization,
NAMA Conference 2023, September 2023, Oldenburg.

[12] Kellner Florian, Utz Sebastian (2023):
Using Inverse Optimization to Discover Sustainability Priorities in Purchasing Decisions,
International Conference on Operations Research 2023 (OR 2023), August 2023, Hamburg.

[11] Kellner Florian (2021):
Location Planning & Analysis Using Uncertain Data,
International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA), December 2021, Bahrain.

[10] Kellner Florian (2020):
Optimal engine technology mix in a low carbon economy,
International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA), November 2020, Bahrain.

[09] Kellner Florian, Lukesch Maximilian (2018):
Business Analytics and Big Data: Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
Big Data Day, October 2018, Regensburg.

[08] Kellner Florian (2017):
Visual decision support for the multi-objective supplier selection problem,
International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP), October 2017, Metz.

[07] Kellner Florian (2017):
Multi-objective supplier portfolio configuration under supply risk and sustainability considerations,
International Conference on Operations Research (OR2017), September 2017, Berlin.

[06] Kellner Florian (2017):
Supplier portfolio optimization,
Ipsera Conference, April 2017, Balatonfüred/Budapest.

[05] Kellner Florian, Otto Andreas (2016):
Bringing infrastructure into pricing in road freight transportation - A measuring concept based on navigation service data,
World Conference on Transport Research, July 2016, Shanghai.

[04] Kellner Florian (2015):
Analysing the greenhouse gas sensitivity of distribution networks,
Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference,
November 2015, Sitges/Barcelona.

[03] Kellner Florian (2013):
GHG network analysis FMCG,
Logistikmanagement, September 2013, Bremen.

[02] Kellner Florian, Otto Andreas (2012):
Distribution Networks - Rigid Investments In Dynamic Environments,
7th German-Russian Logistics Workshop (DR-LOG 2012),
May 2012, Sankt Petersburg.

[01] Kellner Florian (2010):
Changes in the field of FMCG distribution logistics and their impacts on the cost optimal distribution network - A simulation based case study,
15th European Logistics Association Doctorate Workshop,
June 2010, Nantes‐Saint Nazaire, France.


[01] SolveGA
SolveGA is a 0-1 / knapsack optimizer combining diverse linear programming techniques and various genetic algorithms.

Journal Articles & Press

[09] Nachhaltig einkaufen in Unternehmen – Wunsch oder Wirklichkeit?: Methode auf Basis der inversen Optimierung entwickelt,
Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences, September 2023.

[08] TH Rosenheim welcomes Professor Florian Kellner,
Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences, March 2023.

[07] Business Analytics Anwendungen in der Logistik,
Werkstoffe in der Fertigung, February 2022.

[06] Supply Risk Management 4.0 / Digitale Lieferkette: Continental gewinnt VDA Logistik Award 2019,
VDA - Verband der Automobilindustrie, February 2019.

[05] Wie kann nachhaltige Logistik gelingen?,
Universität Regensburg, December 2016.

[04] Nahverkehrsstaus sind messbar,
DVZ, March 2015.

[03] Tenderflut erfordert Routine,
DVZ, March 2013.

[02] „Grüne Logistik“ – Weniger Treibhausgase beim Warenverkehr,
Universität Regensburg, February 2012.

[01] Augsburger DFM-Absolvent für beste französische Masterarbeit in Logistik ausgezeichnet,
Universität Augsburg, March 2009.


Bachelor courses

  • Operations Management
  • Logistics
  • Bachelor Thesis

Master courses

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Distribution Logistics
  • Decision Support Systems in Logistics
  • IT in Logistics
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Business Analytics for Supply Chain Management (Showcase)
  • Seminars
  • Master Thesis


Journal Editor

Journal Reviewer / Referee

  • Computers & Industrial Engineering
  • Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (International Conference)
  • Energies
  • European Journal of Operational Research
  • Expert Systems with Applications
  • IEEE Access
  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
  • International Journal of Production Research
  • International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
  • Journal for East European Management Studies
  • Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Journal of Industrial Ecology
  • Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
  • Journal of the Operational Research Society
  • Junior Management Science
  • Logistics Research
  • NAMA Conference
  • Omega
  • Science of the Total Environment
  • Sustainability
  • Transport Policy
  • Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
  • Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Session Chair at Scientific Conferences

  • International Conference on Operations Research 2023 (OR 2023)
  • NAMA Conference 2023

Current and former positions at the University of Regensburg

  • Lecturer at the University of Regensburg
  • Postdoc position at the chair of Controlling & Logistics
  • Research fellow at the chair of Controlling & Logistics
  • Head of “Marketing & Career Service”
  • Member of the Faculty Council
  • Member of the PhD committee
  • Postgraduate representativ



Chair of Controlling and Logistics

Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto

Building RWL, Room 3.15

Phone 0941 943-2686
Fax     0941 943-3187

E-Mail Andrea Parschan