The lecture "Product-, Price- and Servicemanagement in Industrial Markets" from Prof. Helm takes place in three semester rotation. Planned again in WS 2025/26. Course catalog number 22313. The lecture and the corresponding exercise class are offered in English, in SS 2024.
(expected) Start: Thursday, (block event) 25.04.2024 12 p.m. (s.t.)
- Thursday, 12 - 2 p.m. H8
- Thursday, 2-4 p.m. H8
- Block event
During the introductory lecture, first session of summer term, you will get an overview about content and structure of the lecture and the according exercises as well as organisational details. Further information will be given on Grips. You will receive access (registration key) to Grips during the introductory event.
The course consists of a combination of lecture and exercise. Within the exercise groups 30% of the grade will be generated by course-related performances. Start, structure and other details will be announced at the beginning of the course, during the introductury event. Course catalog number 22314.
Exercise schedule:
- Tuesday, 12.00 - 14.00 pm, DE._2.133
- Tuesday, 14.00 - 16.00 pm, DE._2.133
1. Basics of industrial goods marketing
2. Basics of service structuring
3. Product and service dimension
3.1 Classification by categories of use
3.2 Classification by perceptibility categories
3.3 Product offer and competition
3.4 Branding
4. Service and supply policy alternatives
4.1 Service politics - market development, product modification and innovation
4.2 Services
4.3 Bundling of services
4.4 Analysis of the current program offer
4.5 Options in the program offer
5. Innovation management
5.1 Phases of innovation development, success prospects, time requrements and costs
5.2 Innovation induction and innovation utilization
5.3 Internal and external innovation processes
5.4 Success factors of innovation management
5.5 Idea generation
5.6 Review of ideas and concepts
5.7 Quality Function Deployment
6. Profit-optimal product and price design
7. Price and conditions policy
7.1 Definition and particularities
7.2 Methods of price determination - cost and competitive pricing
7.3 Methods of price determination - customer oriented pricing
7.4 Pricing strategies
7.5 Price effects on demand behavior
8. Types of business specific differences
8.1 Product business
8.2 Investment business
8.3 Systems business
8.4 Supplier business
8.5 Change of business type
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