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Current reasearch focus

My main focus lies on close-range communication based on cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). These lipids are present on the surface of insects, and they often fulfil a dual function: as a waterproofing barrier and for communication. The exact composition of the hydrocarbon profile can be influenced by several factors, for example temperature or age. 

Within-population variability of close-range sexual communication signals

Close-range communication in many insect species is mediated by CHCs. These compounds are generally species-specific in their composition, and are thus often instrumental in mate recognition, eliciting courtship and mating behaviour. Separate populations may differ in the composition of the CHC profiles (commonly different relative amounts of the same compounds), while CHC variability within a population is usually much less pronounced. Nonetheless, mate assessment can be based even on small-scale variability. For example, CHC profiles of mature individuals can be more attractive than those of individuals that are too young. Furthermore, individuals from the same population may be preferred over those from different populations. Mate preference/choice based on signal variability can lead to population divergence, and could thus be an important factor for speciation.

I work predominantly on a species of parasitoid wasp exhibiting an unusual characteristic: females from the same population show three distinct CHC profiles (chemotypes). A female’s chemotype identity persists for life and in spite of other factors commonly influencing CHC profiles. Thus, this species provides ideal prerequisites to investigate the causes and consequences of signal variability in intraspecific communication. My research covers aspects of the genetic basis of the chemotypes, biotic and abiotic influences on within-chemotype variability, behavioural consequences for mate recognition, and comparative studies of CHC profiles and their relative frequency in different populations.

Cuticular hydrocarbons as waterproofing barrier

As the outermost layer of an insect’s surface, CHCs (cuticular lipids) serve as a waterproofing layer that can reduce water loss at high temperatures or in dry environments. Research topics include the influence of different compositions of CHCs on survival under such conditions, and the potential trade-off of CHC profile plasticity in response to environmental stress and CHC profile stability required for communication.

  1. Fakultäten
  2. Fakultät für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin