Professor of Media Informatics, University of Regensburg 10/2015 - 03/2018
In October 2015 I took up a Professorship in Media Informatics (Vertretungsprofessur) at the University of Regensburg. My duties are commensurate with the duties of a full professor, including the teaching obligations and the supervising and examining of students. Currently, I am teaching classes in natural language processing and multimedia technology and a masters seminar with project work in areas such as Automotive UI and UI/UX for senior citizens.
Former Positions/ Affiliations
Postdoctoral Researcher, Leipzig University 08/2013 - 09/2015
As project manager of a research project on knowledge management of legacy files in science, administration and industry, my duties included managing scientific, technical and student staff. The BMBF-funded project was concerned with the computer-aided analysis of paper-based legacy files of historical and political significance. The gamut of tasks included OCR-postprocessing, textmining and machine learning applications on unstructured text. In addtion, I organised three workshops on interaction and cooperation aspects of computer scientists and humanities researchers in Digital Humanities projects.
Research Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin 02/2012 - 07/2013
As a research fellow at the School of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, I participated in a project which involved the University College Cork and University College Dublin besides Trinity College Dublin. My work included applications of information extraction and text-mining approaches to texts in the financial services domain. Special emphasis was put on event- and time-related information extraction and entity recognition in legal text as well as ontology learning from financial dictionaries. In addition, my tasks included the coordination of a research group comprising several PhD students, research assistants and student interns.
PhD Student, Trinity College, Dublin 2006 - 2011
As part of my PhD thesis at the School of Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin, I developed an ontological model of image descriptors for fine art images. Moreover, I implemented and evaluated a prototype image retrieval system for fine art and conducted studies on user preferences in image related information retrieval.
Magister Artium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich 2006
I completed my studies of Logic and Philosophy of Science at LMU, Munich with a master thesis (Magister Artium) in which I developed a novel first-order axiomatisation of a theory of mereotopology (topology based on a part-whole relationship).
Teaching Interests
Currently I am giving two lectures on Multimedia Technology and Language Technology and an advanced seminar on working with digital humanities data at the University of Regensburg. In the coming Sommersemester I will be giving a lecture on Multimedia Databases and the first ever lecture on Computational Art History at the University of Regensburg. In previous years, I have also taught more formalised and technical subjects such as algorithms and data structures, programming and computability.
WS 2015/2016, University of Regensburg
- Introduction to Language Technology (lecture)
- Multimedia Technology (lecture)
- Working with Digital Humanties Data (advanced seminar, project-oriented)
SS 2015, Leipzig University
- Algorithms and Data Structures II (teaching assistant)
WS 2014/2015, Leipzig University
- Algorithms and Data Structures I (teaching assistant)
Prior to 2014 (Dublin and Munich)
- C++ Programming for Engineers (demonstrator, TCD Dublin)
- Project Management for Engineers (teaching assistant, TCD Dublin)
- Computers and Society (teaching assistant, TCD Dublin)
- Computability and Undecidability (teaching assistant, LMU Munich)
Research Interests
My research interests include:
- Digital and Computational Humanities
- Digital and Computational Art History
- User Behaviour and Preferences in the above Contexts
- Textmining and Machine Learning Applications
- Knowledgebased Systems and Ontology Applications
PhD Thesis
- Ontology and Information Retrieval: The Case of the Fine Arts (2012)
Selected Papers
- Heyer, G. und Isemann, D. (2015). Digital und Computational Humanities. Book of Abstracts des Workshops “Informatik und die Digital Humanities" am 3. November 2014 in Leipzig.
- Isemann, D. und Ahmad, K. (2014). Ontological Access to Images of Fine Art. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), vol. 7, no. 1, art. 3.
- Isemann, D., Lynch G. und Lanino, R. (2014). Towards a robust framework for the semantic representation of temporal expressions in cultural legacy data. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Semantic Web and Information Extraction, SWAIE 2014.
- Isemann, D., Niekler, A., Preler, B., Viereck, F. und Heyer, T. (2014).
OCR of Legacy Documents as a Building Block in Industrial Disaster Prevention. In DIMPLE Workshop on DIsaster Management and Principled Large-scale information Extraction for and post emergency logistics, LREC 2014.
- Isemann, D., Ahmad, K., Fernando, T. und Vogel, C. (2013). Temporal
Dependence in Legal Documents. In Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-IDEAL 2013, Springer, LNCS, vol. 8206, pp. 497-504.