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  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

ISLE Summer School 2017



Universität Regensburg
Department of English and American Studies
93040 Regensburg

ISLE Summer School 2017

ISLE Summer School 2017 (Photo by Karsten Dörre (grizurgbg) - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Regensburg_Uferpanorama_06_2006.jpg)

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Since its inception in 2013, the ISLE Spring/Summer Schools have brought together (doctoral) students and early-career researchers from around the world to learn about the latest developments in the field of linguistics and provide a forum for strengthening their international networks. 

The 2017 Summer School of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) took place in Regensburg from 4-7 October. The theme of this year's Summer School was "Variation in World Englishes: advanced issues in theory and methodology".

Isle Summer School 2017 Group

Plenary speakers (abstracts)

We are happy to announce that the following scholars have agreed to give plenary lecutures at the Summer School:

  • Marianne Hundt (University of Zurich): Morpho-syntactic Variation in World Englishes – The Corpus-Based Approach
  • Lisa Lim (University of Hong Kong): Englishes in an age of reimagining: Perspectives from urban, online, multicultural Asia
  • Daniel Schreier (University of Zurich): Do dialects really change or speakers simply vary? Challenges for sociolinguistic fieldwork and interpretation
  • Edgar Schneider (University of Regensburg): World Englishes as a scholarly discipline: Evolution and current challenges

Workshops (abstracts)

In addition to the plenary lectures there will be five workshops focussing on theoretical and methodological developments in World Englishes.

  • Analysing World Englishes in Praat (Alexander Kautzsch, University of Regensburg)
  • Collecting and analysing diachronic data in World Englishes (Thorsten Brato, University of Regensburg)
  • Collecting field data in World Englishes (Sarah Buschfeld, University of Regensburg)
  • Corpus data: from compilation to statistical modelling (Sandra Götz/Tobias Bernaisch, University of Giessen)
  • Transcribing and annotating data in ELAN (Naomi Nagy, University of Toronto)

Local organising committee

Edgar Schneider (chair), Thorsten Brato, Sarah Buschfeld (co-chairs), Alexander Kautzsch, Theresa Neumaier, Florian Schleburg, Sonja-Schmidt-Zeidler, Lucia Siebers

Verpflegunssponsor / Sponsor for catering:

Rewe 4c

Ausstattungssponsor / Sponsor for equipment:

  Real Klein

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

ISLE Summer School 2017



Universität Regensburg
Department of English and American Studies
93040 Regensburg