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Ekaterina-Rita Hegmann, B.Sc.

PT 4.0.40


B.Sc. Ekaterina-Rita Hegmann

Research Interest

I am a Master's student in the Emmy Noether Group. I am interested in the behavioral and neuronal mechanisms of inhibitory processing involved in learning and brain plasticity. For my research I use a combination of psychophysics and brain imaging in human participants.

Professional Experience

  • Since 06/2021: Work as a seat guard in the district hospital in Regensburg, Germany: support in the care of mentally ill patients.
  • 03/2020 – 04/2020: Internship at the MEDIAN Klinik Odenwald, Breuberg-Sandbach, Germany: Therapy for clients with psychotic disorders and/or addictions.


  • 05/2023: Master's thesis: "Das Training von Attentional Tracking und sein Einfluss auf die neuronale Aktivierung in Aufmerksamkeitsnetzwerken und posterioren insularen Arealen". 
  • Since 10/2021: Studies of Psychology (M.Sc.). University of Regensburg, Germany. 
  • 09/2021: B.Sc. Psychology. University of Regensburg, Germany. 
  • 10/2018 – 09/2021: Studies of Psychology (B.Sc.). University of Regensburg, Germany. 

Ekaterina-Rita Hegmann, B.Sc.

PT 4.0.40
