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News from the University of Regensburg

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UR researcher receives ERC Starting Grant

Prof. Dr. Markus Jeschek investigates novel biosensors... more


Unpacking the smart way

How Incoming adenoviruses change their chromatin structure for efficient gene expression... more


Tobias Nicklas chairs EELC of the Society for New Testament Studies

Successful Initiative to bring back Eastern European Perspectives into Biblical Studies - Focus on Early Career Scholars... more


MIT Global Startup Lab finally back in Regensburg

MIT experts teaching Regensburg University students... more


Ants can predict queues and avoid them

Ants understand if a place is easily crowded just by looking at it - they use this knowledge to avoid overcrowded food sources in advance, without actually seeing the overcrowding.... more


UR Study Receives WERA Publication Award 2023

Bavarian oncology network honors the work of the "Quality of Life" Research Group at the Tumor Center Regensburg/ Center of Quality Management and Health Services Research at UR's Faculty of Medicine... more


Study increases precision of assessment of nerve damage in children

International research collaboration defines age-specific reference range for blood neurofilament light chain in pediatric health... more


Kill the Bugs or Defy the Experimenter?

Conflict experience and resolution underlying obedience to authority - Nature Scientific Report - Findings from UR Psychology... more


Sign-reversal of Josephson diode effect

Discovery by UR physics research groups will transform quantum electronics... more


Liturgy, Politics, and War

International Workshop: Uses and Abuses of Religion in Contemporary Politics ... more

Press and Public Relations