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News from the University of Regensburg

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Already babies get what is right or wrong

UR study shows infants' understanding of social norms ... more


Synergizing Success

Physics Draft Proposal of the University of Regensburg and Its Partners Advances to Final Round in Prestigious Excellence Strategy... more


Neurons Can Feel the Pulse in the Brain

UR Researchers at the Faculty for Biology and Preclinical Medicine publish study in Science... more


Sustainability and Business Dynamics

Exploring Firms, Green Behavior, and Global Challenges at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg... more


Prof Hebel welcomes MIT students

Students from MIT and the University of Regensburg give bilingual chemistry lessons at Regensburg school... more


Experimental Psychologists Meet in Regensburg

TeaP 2024 welcomes renowned researchers at the University of Regensburg from 17-20 March.... more


“Invasive ants evade our attacks”

Invasive ants selectively abandon toxic baits, evading the most effective way we have of controlling them... more


Looking at the Sides of Molecules

Lateral force microscopy reveals previously unseen hydrogen atoms.... more


Empowering the Future

The MentoringUR program nurtures early-career scientists at the University of Regensburg.... more


„The Word of the Lord. Reading the Gospels in Liturgies from Christian East and West”

The Interdisciplinary Symposium of Liturgical Studies has proven the strong radiance of research in Regensburg... more

Press and Public Relations