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News from the University of Regensburg

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Light and nickel simplify chemical reactions

UR researchers develop a method for reliable planning of syntheses... more


Climate Change: Action and Law in the Global South

In her talk at the University of Regensburg, Yi Yi Prue, an Indigenous lawyer from Bangladesh, made an urgent appeal not to leave the poor and marginalized groups behind... more


Innovation in Materials Characterization Award 2023

Materials Research Society (MRS) awarded UR-physicist Prof. Dr. Franz J. Gießibl ... more


“Why is New Testament Scholarship Important?”

International (Post-)doctoral Colloquium and Seminar at UR’s Centre for Advanced Studies Beyond Canon_ (DFG FOR 2770)... more


Mia Fuller: the first Berkeley-Regensburg Visiting Professor

Cooperation expanded to include exchange programme for professors... more


Women in Data Science

UR early career scholars presented their research at WiDS 2023 Regensburg... more


New B.Sc. Degree Programs at UR: Computer Science and Data Science

... more


Controlling Cells with Light

Interdisciplinary research team at UR develops molecular photo-switches to control cell physiology... more


Lack of a commission ban: 375 billion Euros loss in wealth annually

Regensburg researchers appeal to the EU Parliament to implement a commission ban... more


Results of the PIRLS study published

University of Regensburg professor Dr. Anita Schilcher is part of the consortium for the first time... more

Press and Public Relations