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News from the University of Regensburg

PD Dr. Julian Mustroph participates in Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

The opportunity to join the annual gathering of Nobel Laureates is provided exclusively to outstanding early career scholars.

3 July 2023

PD Dr. Julian Mustroph, cardiologist at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Internal Medicine II at the University Hospital Regensburg (UKR), was selected as one of 600 participants worldwide to participate in the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. At Lake Constance, high-profile early career scholars share and discuss their current research with around 40 Nobel Laureates every year.

Since 1951, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings support the exchange between different generations, scientific disciplines and cultures. "It made me very proud when I learned that I had been selected for this meeting," Mustroph said. Suggested for participation by UR’s Faculty of Medicine, he had passed a competitive, multi-stage application and nomination process. The opportunity to join the annual gathering of Nobel Laureates at Lindau is provided exclusively to outstanding scientists.

Mustroph (r.) and Sir Richard John Roberts, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1993.  Credit © Julian Mustroph


About Julian Mustroph’s research https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julian-Mustroph

Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

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