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UR scholar honoured with Robert Kellner Lecture Award

Antje Baeumner receives award of the European Chemical Society

20. September 2023

At Euroanalysis 2023, Prof. Dr Antje Baeumner received the prestigious Robert Kellner Lecture Award of the Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC) of the European Chemical Society. With this award, her research in biosensors and microanalytical systems for clinical diagnostics, food safety and environmental monitoring is honored.

This award honours our analytical chemistry research, which has excited my students, postdocs and me for years and is only feasible through great interdisciplinarity in chemistry, life sciences and engineering, explains Prof. Baeumner.

The Robert Kellner Lecture (RKL) has been established by DAC in 2003 in memory of the efforts and achievements of the late Prof. Dr. Robert Kellner from Vienna University of Technology towards the consolidation of Analytical Chemistry in Europe. This award shall distinguish a person who has made substantial contribution to the advancement of Analytical Chemistry research or education.

Prof. Dr Antje Baeumner receives the Robert Kellner Lecture Award. Photo © Eric Bakker


Prof. Dr Antje Baeumner
Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors
University of Regensburg
Phone: +49 (0)941/943-4066
E-Mail: sekretariat.baeumner@ur.de

Workgroup Baeumner

European Chemical Society - Robert Kellner Award

Press and Public Relations