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Global South Lecture Series | Andreas Sudmann (Regensburg) - AI Area Studies and the Global South

Andreas Sudmann (Regensburg) explores how a fruitful exchange between area studies and artificial intelligence (AI) could emerge, in particular in the context of the Global South.... more




Global South Lecture Series | Ana Nenadović (Berlin) - Das Internet schlägt zurück: Das Internet als Raum feministischen Widerstands aus dem Globalen Süden

Ana Nenadović (Berlin) explores how women's blogging in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa can for a Femisphere that enables transnational connections that contribute to critiques of patriarchy, Eurocentrism and coloniality.... more




Research Colloquium of the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Europe and America in the Modern World" and the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies: Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni - The Cognitive Empire and Coloniality of Knowledge in Africa

Research Colloquium of the Leibniz ScienceCampus

The KNOW-IN Network is pleased to be collaborating with the Research Colloquium of the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Europe and America in the Modern World" and the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies. We invite all workshop participants to join the lecture by Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni on "The Cognitive Empire and Coloniality of Knowledge in Africa" at 16:15 on 1 July. Prof. Ndlovu-Gatsheni holds the Chair for Epistemologies of the Global South at the University of Bayreuth.... more


Online via Zoom:  Meeting-ID: 685 7276 9188, Code: 347481


CITAS Brownbag Session | Christiane Reves (Arizona State University / REAF Visiting Professor) - Innovation, Interconnection, Interdisciplinarity: Examples from ASU’s School of International Letters and Cultures

Dr. Christiane Reves, Lecturer at Arizona State´s School of International Letters and Cultures will present examples from research and teaching: from "ecologizing" the curriculum, virtual internships, community partnerships to interdisciplinary and transnational research. She will talk about ideas on local and regional history (Landes/Regionalgeschichte) in the transnational context and introduce the interdisciplinary research project on faith-based responses to migrants and refugees in comparative urban spaces, a comparison between Phoenix, AZ and Berlin, Germany. After a short presentation, there will be time for questions, discussions, and vision casting.... more


Online via Zoom: 659 8056 3912


Guest Lecture | Aleksandra Wiktorowska (Warsaw / Nancy) - Ryszard Kapuściński in Latin America. Latin America in Kapuściński’s writing

CITAS presents an online guest lecture by PhD Aleksandra Wiktorowska (Warschau / Nacy). In her talk, Wiktorowska will speak about the processing of Ryszard Kapuściński´s Latin American experience in his literary work.... more


Online via Zoom: 683 9500 8062


Global South Lecture Series | Sérgio Costa (Berlin) - 'Entangled Inequalities': Transregionale Perspektiven auf soziale Ungleichheiten

Sérgio Costa (Berlin) traces the historical, transregional, multidimensional and intersectional factors that contribute to inequality, with the African diaspora in Latin America providing a case study showing the relevance of an entangled approach to inequalities.... more




CITAS Brownbag Session | Chloé Chaudet (Université Clermont Auvergne) & Sebastian Herrmann (Universität Regensburg) - Transatlantic Circulations of Conspiracism: Europe and the United States

As part of the program for international guest speakers by the Leibniz WissenschaftsCampus Europe and America in the Modern World, we proudly present Chloé Chaudet from the Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique (CELIS) of the University Clermont Auvergne. On June 21st at 12 pm Chloé Chaudet and Sebastian Herrmann (visiting professor at the chair of American Studies of the University Regensburg) will speak about conspiratorial fictions in Europe and America. Jonas Hock und Carmen Dexl will moderate the Session.... more


Online via Zoom: 690 6245 2074


Global South Lecture Series | Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg) - Balkan und Südosteuropa, und Beyond: Wie eine Region sich selbst sieht

Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg) examines the intersecting insider and outsider perspectives on Southeastern Europe and the Balkans, including area studies, that produced different spatializations of a seemingly peripheral region.... more




Global South Lecture Series | Johannes Bohle (Flensburg) - 'Follow-the-Hurricane-Geographies': Geographische Impulse für Area Studies am Beispiel der Karibik

Johannes Bohle (Flensburg) looks at ways of bringing area studies and geography into fruitful dialogue when it comes to tracing the emergence of Modernity, global-local entanglements and asymmetries in knowledge production. Hurricanes offer a productive case study for this.... more




Global South Lecture Series | Mirja Lecke & Oleksandr Zabirko (Regensburg) - Wie Russland seinen Süden entwarf

Mirja Lecke & Oleksandr Zabirko (Regensburg) examine how Russia's imperial expansion created diverse North-South relations regarding Ukraine and the Caucasus, while Russia itself was framed in shifting East-West constellations.... more

