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Lecture Series - 16.11.20 - Volker Depkat

The next lecture in the CITAS Ringvorlesung takes place on 16. November, 18:15 - via Zoom. Volker Depkat, lecturer in American Studies, will discuss how US-American Germany served as a model for German efforts to build democracy. ... more




CITAS Lecture Series. Ulf Brunnbauer. Amerika-Auswanderung und (ost)europäische „Diasporen” vor dem 1. Weltkrieg

The next lecture in the CITAS Ringvorlesung takes place on 9. November, 18:15 - via Zoom. CITAS Board member and IOS Director Ulf Brunnbauer will discuss (East) European migration to the USA and the formation of emigrant communities before the First World War. ... more




Regensburg Prize for Outstanding Master Theses in Area Studies - Winners Announced

The winners of the first Regensburg Prize for Excellent Master's Theses were announced on 9 November, during the CITAS Lecture Series.... more




CITAS-Science Campus Lecture Series - 2. Nov: Hedwig Richter: Demokratiegeschichte als nationale Erzählung und transnationaler Prozess. Frankreich, die USA und Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert

The lecture series "Special Relations Revisited: Europa und die USA seit dem 19. Jahrhundert" starts on Monday, November 2, with a lecture on "Demokratiegeschichte als nationale Erzählung und transnationaler Prozess. Frankreich, die USA und Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert" by Hedwig Richter.... more


Online - Zoom


CITAS-ScienceCampus Lecture Series

The CITAS Lecture Series returns this winter semester. "Special Relations Revisited: Europe and the USA since the 19th century" is organized in collaboration with the Leibniz-ScienceCampus Europe and America. The series is open to all and takes place online, via Zoom, each Monday from 18:15. Lectures will be in German or English-... more


Online via Zoom


Three new acting professors in area studies

The University of Regensburg has employed three new acting professors to further develop the university's profile in area-studies related research and teaching. Find out more about Anne Brüske, Anna Steigemann and Andreas Sudmann here.... more


New members of staff at CITAS

Dr. Joanna Moszczyńska, a specialist in Latin American Studies, has joined CITAS as a postdoctoral researcher. Ivo Music, a student of Public History at UR, has joined CITAS as a research assistant.... more


Best Master's Thesis at UR, 2019-2020 - Prize

CITAS and the Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America have launched a new prize for the best MA thesis (or equivalent in law and teaching degrees) related to Area Studies.... more


CITAS Dialog 2020: The US Presidential Election in Ukrainian Eyes: Nepotism, Corruption and Celebrity Presidents

A panel discussion with Natalia Gumenyuk (Kyiv), Orysia Lutsevych (London) und Sergej Sumlenny (Kyiv). Chaired by Cindy Wittke (Regensburg) Part of the CITAS Dialog 2020 series - Fear and Loathing? The US Presidential Elections in the Eyes of the World... more


Zoom - link available from citas@ur.de


Zoom-Diskussion: Area Studies Beyond Regions? New Comparative Approaches in the Field

CITAS, the ScienceCampus Europe and America, and colleagues from GWZO Leipzig and the Herder Institute in Marburg will discuss developments in the field of area studies, with a focus on how comparative approaches, transcending established regions, can be made fruitful.... more


Zoom, in collaboration with the Herder Institute Research Academy

Zoom Link available from citas@ur.de

Readings under CITAS in GRIPS